I'm finding that a lot of people are not sure exactly why there is concern about the UN Doctrine called Agenda 21. First, some people think it only has some vague connection to environmentalism. That is, if they believe it exists at all. Second, some people who just have just heard of it recently think it is ridiculous for anyone to think the UN is influencing our American government. The second premise there is what feeds the "tin foil" hat connotations. You'd have to be crazy to believe our United States would be controlled by a UN book of rules, right? Anyone believing that must be a crackpot weirdo.
Primer on what Agenda 21 is:
While global environmentalism is used as a major excuse for Agenda 21, the Doctrine is "comprehensive." By "comprehensive," I mean Agenda 21 covers every waking moment and every activity known to mankind. Literally, no stone is left unturned. The Doctrine of Agenda 21 is a user's manual for governments to control every aspect of life. That is hard for free people to grasp...that some organization outside of our sovereign nation had the gall to put together a lifestyle manual for every human being on the planet. Who does that? I remember being taken aback on that realization, myself. My second thought at the time was, how is our government involved and why? Surely, I thought, our Constitution and our elected officials would not allow such a thing to take over our American lives. That was the beginning of my losing my naiveté regarding our Federal government's complicit implementation of Agenda 21. It does take some serious study to see the web being laid around us. You can't just grasp it from one glance.
Anyone in America can sense that something is going on that just doesn't feel right. People attach that to whatever news soundbite they heard that day, or just blow it off as an ill wind blowing across the nation. I wish it were that simple. Comprehensive means comprehensive. Not an ill wind, but a complete tsunami.
Just for the fun of it, I'll make a list of some of what it covers:
Food / Agriculture
Shelter / Housing / Building
Transportation / All varieties
Land Use / All Land
Property of any kind
Historical Reference Places
Water Sources
Water Usage
Domestic Animals / livestock and pets
Energy Sources
Energy Usage
Monetary Policies
Planning at all levels of government
Education / All levels
Healthcare / All Medical Care
Reproductive Policies / Sexual morés
Private Industries / Business
Non-Profit Involvement
Religious Institutional Involvement
Climate Change / Global Warming
If I left something out, someone can tell me. There are 40 long and in depth Chapters discussing what is permissible in all of those things. The basis for all of it, top to bottom, is Communism mixed with Fascism. If you were Karl Marx wedded to Adolph Hitler wedded to Mussolini, hanging out with Margaret Sanger and the rest of the Fabian Socialists, you could not do more to control people than Agenda 21 does. And it isn't just for America. It is being put in place globally, in every nation, in every nook and cranny of the populated earth.
So, no. It isn't just some handbook for environmentalists. It isn't about environmentalism. It is about micromanaging everything.
Within each of those headings come sub-headings upon sub-headings. It doesn't just describe what is allowable or not, but also describes how governments shall implement the entirety of it. Surely, you say, just as I did, our government is not about to let the UN tell us how to run our lives? Guess what? Our government is all to happy to use Agenda 21 as the basis for running our lives. Did they forget to tell you? And did they forget to tell you the whole premise of it is anti-Constitutional? Must have missed that memo, eh?
Every single certified APA (American Planning Association) planner in this nation, as of this moment, is completely indoctrinated to sell Agenda 21 to every locale in America. (You will find it under the name of Smart Growth or Sustainable Development.) The United States Green Building Council is completely covered up with Agenda 21. The Chamber of Commerce, chasing after government largesse, is pushing Sustainable Development, aka Agenda 21. Your state Councils of Governments are swimming in the same pool of rubbish. The National Council of Mayors and the League of Cities, both pushing the same Doctrine. Those are just the tip of the iceberg. Every Federal Agency is pushing nothing other than Agenda 21 today.
Now you might say to yourself, if this is so horrible, why would our dear beloved government be putting this in place? Two things there: One is that our government is not at all the dear beloved benefactor of all things good. It wasn't meant to be such and this UN Doctrine surely is not good and benevolent. Second, there was something called the "Human Rights Treaty," signed by Harry S. Truman in 1949. Everything the UN is trying to take over comes under their propaganda of "Human Rights." These rights are not God given, but granted by the UN and governments. The God given ones are thrown out the window and replaced by Agenda 21. Agenda 21 replaces the U.S. Constitution. The two cannot co-exist.
Put on your Tin Foil Hat:
So we know Agenda 21 exists and is being implemented in the U.S. If you believe your own eyes and try to alert your fellow Americans, you wear a "tin foil hat." Or so they are trying to say. Which is really funny because the UN - Agenda 21 website is right there for anyone to read. And the documentation of how it is being implemented can be found on my sidebar or accessed in my search bar. Please go for it. Read for yourself. Agenda 21 - UN website
Who did it? And why?
Here is where the Tin Foil Hat really gets attention. The most named player in the UN scam is Maurice Strong. You can google his name and get all the history there you want. He is the author of the plan, starting with a previous treatise called "Our Common Future." There are others involved. Someone named Gro Harlem Brundlandt. A lot of the ususal suspects: Ted Turner, Al Gore, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, the Clintons, the Bush's, and lots more. Where there is a scam, there is seed money. You hear about Soros all the time, but not so much in relationship to this UN scheme. He's with it all the way, but is busy buying up agriculture, oil, and financing socialist programs throughout the world.
As I was reading today, I found something will have everyone wearing a "Tin Foil Hat." Ah yes, let's bring up the Rothshchilds while we are at, why don't we? Today I came across something called the GEF. The paragraph below is just one source of information on this, but you can find other sources for this same information. (Since this report, Edmond Rothschild has died, but his fortune and extended family heirs march on the path to take your family's way of life away.)
Edmund Leopold de Rothschild banker for Global Warming Scam
"After Edmund [Leopold] de Rothschild’s statement, without basis, at
the 4th World Wilderness Congress in 1987, that CO2 is the cause of a
non-existent global warming – and that combating it needs money (our
money), he founded the World Conservation Bank for this reason. In 1991
its name was changed to The Global Environment Facility (GEF).
The purpose of this facility is to lend money to the poorest
countries, printed by the IMF out of thin air, and with the guarantee of
our governments. The facility takes wilderness areas with mineral
riches as security. The GEF money is then to flow back to our
governments as reimbursement for paid loans. I.e. We give away our tax
money. For what?
When a country cannot repay loans to the GEF it must give up a piece
of its territory to the Rothschild banks (GEF, IMF, World Bank) – up to
30% of the Earth are meant. If land cannot be offered as collateral the
country must starve (Haiti, Argentina and others).
Rothschild´s stroke of genius was that he had his GEF smuggled into
the UN system at the Rio UN Summit in 1992 by his friend, Maurice
Strong. So now high-ranking ministerial officials from 179 countries (note: now up to 182 countries) are
in the the council of the bank – blessing Rothschild grabbing the
The interesting thing about the date 1992 is what happened that year. Just prior, in 1991, George Bush I signed onto the Rio Accords at a UN conference where Agenda 21 was introduced. Then in 1992, Bill Clinton enacted an executive order for the President's Council on Sustainable Development, adopting that phrase straight out of Agenda 21 and Our Common Future. Since then, our government agencies have been very busy enacting every piece of Agenda 21 into our policies, using our own tax dollars to build this insidious trap for Americans.
Ongoing UN interference through treaties:
For those who think the UN is not a threat to the sovereign laws of the U.S. and rights of Americans, below is just one little example of how our leadership is tossing us into the rubbish heap of the UN:
The United States Senate is threatening American sovereignty. Earlier this week, Harry Reid declared the Senate would consider yet another flawed treaty conceived by the United Nations. Like most international treaties, it has a nice sounding name that obscures the very real possibility that it would infringe on American sovereignty by allowing an international committee to intrude into U.S. policymaking.
The so-called United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities would not advance America’s interests abroad, nor would it improve the rights of Americans who suffer with disabilities. Instead, it would only serve to empower a "committee of experts" based in Geneva, Switzerland to make demands that fall well beyond the scope of the treaty and conflict with the legal, social, economic, and cultural traditions and norms of America.
That report just came in from the Heritage Foundation." Whether you like the Heritage Foundation or not, the report is fact.
Don't get bogged down in the minutae of whether or not you wish to support people with disabilities. That is not the issue. As always, the issue with the UN is dictating how sovereign nations operate within their borders and doing it with the assistance of our own leadership. We have the LOST (Law of the Sea Treaty), the Small Arms Treaty, the Biodiversity Treaty, this treaty and that treaty....all stemming from the 1949 Human Rights Treaty, hell bent on destroying sovereign nations for the sake of central control by scheming globalists through the UN.
And that is the point of Agenda 21, i.e. micromanaging every movement of every living, breathing, human being.
Our entire government is being hijacked by Americans who have no understanding or concern of our Constitution, sovereignty, self-rule, borders, economics, or what being American means. It is these useful idiots, not just in the general population but in leadership positions, who are helping the UN lead America straight off the cliff into hell.
If you are one of the patriots wearing a tin foil hat....my hat's off to you. Keep up the great work. If you are new to this knowledge, spread the word and help save our nation.
End of primer.
Hat tips: