Friday, December 21, 2012


I will be taking a little time from posting over the holidays.  So this is my last post of 2012.  I'll be back at the first of 2013.  Time flies when you are having have some fun and I'll be back before you know it!!  And Merry best as you can!

It  never occurred to me that a few days before Christmas in 2012 I would be writing a post on this blog about protecting Americans from its own government, especially on the issue of gun rights.  We cannot lose these rights, friends. 

History is replete with examples of tyrannical governments who disarmed their citizens and then either murdered or starved their opposition or the "unwanted" among them.  From King Herod to today, elimination of opposition is a hallmark of tyranny.  The Obama administration, and all of their minions and useful idiots, want to rule over a populace that cannot defend itself.  Rulers do not like opposition. This is the reason for the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution, to prevent tyranny over a defenseless public.  
Since Obama took the White House, the Federal government of the United States has been very actively involved in arming enemies of freedom and attempting to disarm the patriots of this nation.  The NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) allows for the arrest and detainment of American citizens without warrants or due process.  Congress enacted a law that keeps protesters out of sight and far away from.....elected officials, a law that insulates the ruling class from the ruled.  All of the Federal agencies have armed up and requisitioned millions of rounds of hollow point bullets.   Here  And Here:

"In March DHS ordered 750 million rounds of hollow point ammunition. It then turned around and ordered an additional 750 million rounds of miscellaneous bullets including some that are capable of penetrating walls. This is enough ammunition to empty five rounds into the body of every living American citizen. Is this something we and the Congress should be concerned about? What’s the plan that requires so many dead Americans, even during times of civil unrest? Has Congress and the Administration vetted the plan in public."

Yet, now, because a deranged  psychopath was allowed to act out a horrendous atrocity against children and school teachers, Obama would like nothing better than to disarm everyone everywhere, EXCEPT of course his own government.  

Yesterday the news brought an item about the Chinese Communist government releasing a statement that demands the United States enact gun control.  Really???  Isn't that so nice.  Who the heck are the Chinese Communists to "demand" anything of the United States and our citizens?  I'm sure Anita Dunn who put Mao ornaments on the White House Christmas tree a few years back is delighted with support from the Chinese for disarming Americans.
"The Chinese government stated, “Their blood and tears demand no delay for the U.S. gun control.”

The current Chinese government, the communist People’s Republic of China, was established in a revolution led by Mao Zedong, who killed an estimated 40-70 million people with starvation, executions, and re-education camps.
 From a site called Mercy Seat (linked below) you can read: 
The China chapter is much less enlightening, mostly because the victims of Mao's genocide, unlike Hitler's, left much less of a record for Western historians to uncover. While many scholars agree that about one million people were murdered during the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), the number of people who were starved to death by Mao's communization of the economy from 1957 to 1960 ("the Great Leap Forward") might be as low as one million, or as high as thirty million. [47]

Mao, like Hitler, inherited gun control from his predecessor's regime. [48] A 1912 Chinese law made it illegal to import or possess rifles, cannons, or explosives without a permit. [49] The law was apparently aimed at the warlords who were contesting the central government's authority; Chinese peasants were far too poor to afford guns. [50] Communist gun control was not enacted until 1957, when the National People's Congress outlawed the manufacture, repair, purchase, or possession of any firearm or ammunition "in contravention of safety provisions." [51]
A short walk through history will tell you all you need to know about despotic rulers who eliminated their opposition by disarming them.  
From Warrior Times
1911 – Turkey disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1915 – 1917 they murdered 1.5 million Armenians.
1929 – Russia disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1929 – 1953 they murdered 20 million Russians.
1935 – China disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1948 – 1952 they murdered 20 million Chinese.
1938 – Germany disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1939 – 1945 they murdered 16 million Jews.
1956 – Cambodia disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1975 – 1977 they murdered 1 million Educated people.
1964 – Guatamala disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1964 – 1981 they murdered 100,000 Mayan Indians.
1970 – Uganda disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1971 – 1979 they murdered 300,000 Christians.
I would argue the numbers of Chinese murdered was much higher than that list indicates.  I've read higher accounts, most saying 30 million.  At the side bar of this page you will find  this on history of global communist tyranny.
Two of my favorites below:
From Thomas Hobbes:
"Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed."

From Thomas Jefferson:
"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms…disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. … Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."
There are many more at that'll like them!!!  Argue against Obama's government as if your life depended on it....because it does.
Hat tips: 

Monday, December 17, 2012


Under "liberal" (progressive) rule over our infrastructural institutions for the last 50 years, justice, law enforcement, and the mental health professions have all failed.  The "Great Society" has failed.  The directors of the failure unfortunately are still in charge.  The collectivist idea that everyone share in the failures (and successes) of complete strangers is driving the nation off the cliff.  "Never let a crisis go to waste" is driving totalitarian advocates inside our government.  Heaven forbid citizens should be allowed to protect themselves.

It is interesting to see that criminals (both sane and insane) look for soft targets.  What progressive liberals do is create soft targets for their power-mad policies.  So now, after this latest school massacre of defenseless teachers and children, we are going to hear, ad infinitum, how everyone in the nation should lose rights and suffer punishment for what one mentally deranged person was allowed to do because of the failure of the mental health policies put in place by the progressive liberals. Once again the same people who created the problem in the first place are now grandstanding on soapboxes and telling every innocent law abiding citizen to go eat dirt.  This is Heads I win, Tails you lose.

As an aside here I want to interject my observation of the progressive liberal mind.  Excluding the truly evil of minds in the power structure in this nation, the average run-of-the-mill liberal cannot compute the consequences of liberal policies.  Liberals, I personally know, simply lack the ability to walk through the steps through to the natural culmination of their actions.  This makes them sheep, easily led down the garden path.  If something sounds nice, or if someone tells them how a problem will be fixed by an action by government, they will buy in faster than a "speeding bullet" and never ask a question about what that action really means.  Then they sit around crying when a disaster happens and look back at government to fix the problem that government created in the first place.  "Oh, it must be the guns that did it....MSNBC and the POTUS say so."  "Please government, take away everyone's guns!!"

Am I equating power-mad liberals with the Connecticut school shooter?  In a way, yes.  In the same way the shooter looked at innocent people as targets to use for his own diabolical and insane plot, progressives in positions of policy authority in whatever profession they are in, look at the rest of society as their target.  These folks may have a myriad of motives, some under the guise of saving the world from itself, some (most) blatantly for their own power, but the result is always the same.  Innocent people are used as targets to fulfill the wishes of people who want power.

No sooner had the news hit about the Connecticut shooting than the progressive liberals smelled blood in the political water and went after our rights.  Visceral, no?  Same thing happened after the Gabby Giffords shooting incident.  It's as predictable as the sun going down tonight and coming back up tomorrow.

The POTUS cloaked himself in a mourning coat and went to Connecticut yesterday to sell gun control to a grieving public.  Excuse me if I find that sickening. 

Read some history and weep:
The Federalist Society sheds some light"   A very good anecdotal account of events and subsequent murders in this article.

For a while, it was fashionable to blame gun availability for this dramatic increase. But guns did not become more available before or during this change. Instead, federal law and many state laws became more restrictive on purchase and possession of firearms, sometimes in response to such crimes.2 Nor has the nature of the weapons available to Americans changed all that much. In 1965, Popular Science announced that Colt was selling the AR-15, a semiautomatic version of the M-16 for the civilian market.3 The Browning Hi-Power, a 9mm semiautomatic pistol with a thirteen-round magazine, was offered for sale in the United States starting in 1954,4 and advertised for civilians in both the U.S. and Canada at least as early as 1960.5 If gun availability does not explain the increase of mass public murders, what else might?
At least half of these mass murderers (as well as many other murderers) have histories of mental illness. Many have already come to the attention of the criminal justice or mental health systems before they become headlines. In the early 1980s, there were about two million chronically mentally ill people in the United States, with 93 percent living outside mental hospitals. The largest diagnosis for the chronically mentally ill is schizophrenia, which afflicts about 1 percent of the population, or about 1.5 percent of adult Americans.6 A 1991 estimate was that schizophrenia costs the United States about $65 billion annually in direct and indirect costs.7
While I am on this subject, I want to point out the absolute sureness of the progressives in the psychiatry profession who decided to mainstream the dangerous mentally ill.  They were very sure this was a great thing to do.  (I want to ask...who is crazy in this scenario??)  The idea came as one more offshoot from the "civil rights" movement in the '60's.  No one wants cruelty ...including me.  But, now we are seeing the price paid by society by deinstitutionalizing the mentally ill, paid by the mentally ill,  society at large, and now sadly, more victims of a mass murder.  If the POTUS is serious about fixing this mass murder problem, reinstitutionalizing dangerous mentally ill people is way past due and necessary to our survival.  But alas, he blames the guns.  As usual.
Some more reading on the subject:

Friday, December 14, 2012


I can't think of anything comforting to say.  I am a parent and a grandparent. Like most, I've been choking back tears all afternoon thinking of all who have lost their lives and their families who are in mourning.  This is not the sort of thing that heals.  It is something you only learn to cope with, if you are lucky and strong.  I don't think I could.  God help those who mourn these dear loved ones today. 

Today's massacre at Sandy Hook was caused by yet another raving lunatic unleashed on innocent people in America.  I will be interested to learn if there were signs leading up to this 20 yr. old's behavior.  After each of the incidents of murders such as this over the past few years we learn there were indications that the murderer was likely to act out violently against others.  But no one acted ahead of time to prevent it.  In the case of Columbine, the two teens who murdered their schoolmates had set up an entire arsenal in the basement of one of their homes in preparation for their murdering spree.  The parents didn't notice.  The nut who shot Gabby Giffords had been mentally unstable and showed signs of violent reactions, yet where were his parents and counselors?  

I heard someone today describe this type of murder as "public suicide."  I suppose in the sick twisted mind of the individual, that is the statement they were conveying.  No comfort there.  

Just one other thing on my mind as we witness this horror in our nation.  As a child I felt safe.  Our schools were open.  As a teen I could walk out of school and have lunch at the YWCA and then walk back into school....all without a pass and no one's permission but my own.  We came and went at will.  The thought of a predator invading our schools with malevolent intentions never entered anyone's mind.  Why?  Mentally deranged and dangerous people were institutionalized.  Criminals were caught and jailed...not for 6 months, but for long periods of time.  Punishment was severe.  They were not walking around in society at large.  Not only that, but normalizing murder and terror through media was unheard of.  Allowing children to be exposed to the violence children see today was not going to happen.  Society, waaaaay back in the days I was growing up, was not going to tolerate violent mental illness, nor would society expect parents to shelter their grown children who could not be socialized.  That is what state mental hospitals were for.  

Now, in too many instances, losing innocent people at the hands of raving, violent and sick individuals, we find that something might have been done to prevent this.  But no one will do it.  Instead, we suffer through days and weeks of hand wringing about how it is the gun's fault or how we must be compassionate for the murderer. Hand wringing about how this is becoming all to prevalent.  We will no doubt be told the government MUST do something to take guns away from law abiding Americans.  

Bad day at Black Rock today.  No joyful Holiday anticipation.  Just unbearable sadness.  I just cannot fathom the pain the parents of those sweet children are suffering tonight.  More than anyone can bear.

God bless them. 


Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Don't get me wrong.  There are a few in Congress with guts to stand up.  But there are so few of them that nothing will be done to fix the situation.  Those few are stuck in no-man's land.  One of them, Jim DeMint of South Carolina, just decided the situation was so bad, he would go where he might make more of difference.  I wish him well and hope for his success in all ways.

First of all, I believe we have gradually been operating in Constitutional crisis mode for many decades to varying degrees, until now we are historic Rome, the Weimar Republic, the Soviet Union, and Greece all combined into the most poisonous soup ever dreamed up by enemies of the United States.  Just so you know that is my description of the situation we are in.  

As the last few years have drawn on into this abyss, I have read quite a few articles on who is behind the curtain pulling the strings.  It isn't one who, but a handful of who's ..and most of them are the global financiers and geo-political power brokers.  All of them are despicable users with huge egos.  I'm not a financial genius at the level of Hayek, of course.  But it doesn't take a financial genius to see the United States is being manipulated by money into ethical and Constitutional corruption beyond anything we have ever seen.  

I just read a short article today that prompted this post.  It is HERE  I am reprinting the entirety for you below: 

Anatomy of an End run

For all intents and pur­poses, cap and trade is dead in the U.S., but the global elite’s dream of a Technocracy-based economy is still alive and well.
Last month, Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion pitchman Al Gore  “again called for a ‘cap and trade’ system by warning Amer­i­cans the country faces a ‘cli­mate cliff’ in addi­tion to a ‘fiscal cliff.’” According to Gore,
“I think all who look at these cir­cum­stances should agree that Pres­i­dent Obama does have a man­date, should he choose to use it, to act boldly to solve the cli­mate crisis, to begin solving it.”
Far short of any voter-specified man­date, Gore pushes on: The cir­cum­stances that he (and he alone) cites pro­vide their own man­date to elected officials.
The best eco­nomic schol­ar­ship avail­able sug­gests that any kind of cap and trade sit­u­a­tion would impose a sig­nif­i­cant drag on the economy. Gore pays no atten­tion to such cri­tique, claiming that a carbon tax would def­i­nitely solve both fiscal and his dreamed-up “cli­mate cliff.”
What­ever frontal attack Gore (and other Tri­lat­erals) have launched in recent years, they have not gotten very far. How­ever, the have not and will not give up on their quest for the destruc­tion of the brown economy and the cre­ation of their utopian green economy — Technocracy.
So what hap­pens when they don’t get their way? We need not look any fur­ther than the writing of the Council on For­eign Rela­tions (CFR), which has long been a policy center driven by a Tri­lat­eral agenda.
The CFR pub­lished The Global Cli­mate Change Regime on July 5, 2012, which states in part,
“One way for Obama to force progress is to issue more exec­u­tive orders and admin­is­tra­tive rule­mak­ings to par­tially sub­sti­tute for Con­gres­sional oppo­si­tion to his cli­mate and energy agenda. Working through the EPA and the Clean Air Act, he could enact tougher rules that would cut carbon pol­lu­tion from power plants and mit­i­gate the poten­tial effects of the failure to enact a national cap-and-trade program.”
Their con­de­scending atti­tude towards the cit­i­zenry of this country is indeed insulting. Are they the “enlight­ened ones” with some mystic man­date to save us from our­selves whether we like it or not? Apparently.
From a strategic point of view, how­ever, you can see the value of the Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion hijacking of the Exec­u­tive Branch of the U.S. gov­ern­ment with the elec­tion of Jimmy Carter in 1976. They knew that the Amer­ican people would never go along with their screw­ball schemes, so they have forced them upon us by Exec­u­tive fiat – exec­u­tive orders, reg­u­la­tions and law-creating trade agreements.
Even though some mem­bers of Con­gress are fully aware of the Tri­lat­eral Commission’s agenda, there is no public recog­ni­tion of their iron-clad hege­mony over the Exec­u­tive Branch. Nei­ther are there any com­plaints about the loss of Con­gres­sional authority and inability to rep­re­sent their con­stituents who voted them into office in the first place.
Mean­while, voters are laboring under the delu­sion that those they elect will somehow rein in the Exec­u­tive Branch. How­ever, this has not hap­pened, is not hap­pening, and will not happen in the future.
How can the Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion hege­mony be over­come? Only by a direct and forceful Con­gres­sional con­fronta­tion, including leg­is­la­tion ban­ning their mem­bers and oper­a­tives from serving in the Exec­u­tive Branch.

I could not have said it better.   Sure, there are some players not named and the global banksters are not mentioned, but that article tells you a great deal about what has happened to the Constitution.  Executive fiat = dictatorship.  The President of the United States has become, for all intents and purposes, nothing more than a puppet for global powers who really don't give a flying rip about this nation other than what they can take from it....from us.  We are electing people to Congress who stand by with their thumbs in there ears or get in on the take, and generally do nothing to stop this madness.  Oath?  What oath?  We also have a Supreme Court who, even if they could possibly cope with all of the unConstitutional fiats, don't do that job to our salvation either.  (witness the Obamacare decision from Justice Roberts as a recent example)

And then I read an article at American Thinker today that verified what I am seeing.  A quote from that article:  "The Obama administration has pursued an active regulatory agenda. The overall regulatory burden is now $1.8 trillion annually, according to the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and this year alone new rules have added $215.4 billion in compliance costs."

That is ONE YEAR of regulatory burden, friends.  Losses to the economy, to those of you in Rio Linda. (as Rush would say)  Money that could be used productively if otherwise not scuttled down the toilet for this madness.  If the U.S. economy can afford that kind of loss, I've got some green cheese just arriving from the moon for your holiday cheese ball.  Put some nice Communist red paper chain (recycled, of course) garland around it, made by the inmates at our public elementary schools.  Vodka is optional for adult comrades only.

I've asked myself over the years, "How in the H E double LL are these insane regulations getting put upon Americans?"  Where did any freedom go?  I didn't vote for the Trilateral Commission or the CFR, or the IMF, or the UN, or the World Bank, or .....well, you see what I mean.  So the Presidential election (this time I really do believe was stolen with fraud) is a charade.  Sorry, to say.  I'm sure I am late to the party on that, since I have always felt it my duty to study candidates and vote in elections. 

Here's a thought.  Maybe all of those Cialis commercials are really made for male Congress members who obviously are impotent and / or focused on their bank accounts instead of the Constitution.  Not sure what to do with the female ones, but maybe Jane Fonda has them covered.

Still pondering.......

Monday, December 10, 2012


 A statement has been released, endorsed by 134 scientists attached to an organization called International Climate Science Coalition, along with a letter to the Secretary General of the UN, stating the facts that Global Warming is not driven by green house gases, nor does any human activity have enough of an impact on the climate to justify any of the massive spending by governments across the globe.  Hallelujah and pass the eggnog!!

This comes at a crucial time when the UN (using our tax dollars) has put on the circus in Doha, Qatar last week.  Within the statement are these assertions:
  • “there has been no statistically significant global warming for almost 16 years. During this period…carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations rose by nearly 9%...Global warming that has not occurred cannot have caused the extreme weather of the past few years.”
  • “Whether, when and how atmospheric warming will resume is unknown. The science is unclear.”
  • “The hypothesis that our emissions of CO2 have caused, or will cause, dangerous warming is not supported by the evidence.”

 In spite of the facts, our government just goes marching along into cap and trade hell with the help of global corporations....among them Exxon Mobil:
"Exxon Mobil Corp is part of a growing coalition backing a carbon tax as an alternative to costly regulation, giving new found prominence to an idea once anathema in Washington."

The really disgusting and upsetting thing is the Republicans, trying to get on the gravy train and the "good" side of media, are looking to jump right in and sell your souls and mine.

"How could a carbon tax be passed in a Republican-dominated House? A carbon tax combined with reduced corporate income tax rates may appeal not only to liberals and moderates, but also to some muddle-headed and panicky conservatives.  Ken Green, an environmental specialist at the American Enterprise Institute adds that part of the appeal to the House majority may be a chance to “green up the conservative brand.”

 Excuse me but "greening up the conservative brand" is not what conservatives have in mind.  To say the least.  Conservative are definitely done with lying, thieving Republicans. 

A few years back I tried to explain to someone why the oceans are not going to overtake the land because of global warming, i.e. that global warming was not caused by CO2 and that the volume of water on the planet has been the same since the existence of the planet.  Yes, the planet shifts around, earthquakes happen, the rains come and go, etc., but this was not our fault. The person with whom I was speaking was of the opinion that the glaciers were melting because America is such a bad country, ruining the earth.  Oh, and she said those people in government telling us this "were smarter than we are, so they must know."   That was the extent of her defense of liberal views.  As I recall, at the time I was trying to explain to her why the ban on incandescent light bulbs was a scam and that using those CFL's was not going to make a tinker's damn's worth of difference to the planet.  In fact, I gave her lots of facts proving my point.  Didn't matter.  She would not listen. Sometime shortly after that, she phoned me to say she never wanted to speak to me again because she LOVED Obama so much. 

Now we are a few years later and Barack Obama hasn't managed to train the oceans to his commands.  There has been no global warming for the past 16 yrs. in spite of China and India cranking up the engines of manufacturing.  

Time marches on.  The real question is when will the liberals / leftists let go of the lies on this issue of climate?  When does the media indoctrination of sheeple-people, like the person I mentioned in the first paragraph, finally stop?  When does the American public school system catch up with the science and start teaching critical thinking based on factual information and scientific facts?


I have compassion for any poor schnook getting duped by a liar.  (I have had that happen to myself a couple of times in my life on a smaller personal level and it isn't fun.  Probably most people have been scammed in some way during their lifetimes.)  The lying usually involves stealing something.  Think of the Maddoff scam ...or just anyone who gets sucked into a program of lies.  Lies wreck lives, waste personal energy, waste economic security, and generally suck the life out of people.  But when entire sovereign nations go on a rampage of lying in order to tax and regulate commercial enterprise, all based on a complete fiction that was made up within the dark recesses of the United Nations, I think we have reached a bridge too far.  (understatement) 

I wonder what would have happened if the British had told the tea manufacturers that they better get on board with them to promote taxing the tea or the British government would regulate them out of business and take their profits.  I don't know for certain that didn't happen, now that I think of it.  Someone had to collect the taxes.  Was it the tea manufacturers, or retailers at the point of sale?  I really don't know.  No matter, the people stood up and said to the British government, "We are not going to allow you to tax us any more!"  Voilá  The revolution began.  Was the general public smarter then?  Or was it all just so obvious, no one had to sift through layers and layers of lies to figure it out? At least at that time, the taxing was blatantly for the benefit of the British royalty.  There were no stupid shenanigans about how this taxing is good for the planet and will save the world for future generations.  People understood that they were being economically deprived in order to prop up their own enslavement to the British.  Today, the same is true in the United States, but the government hands out enough money to prop up some segments of society to make it look like it isn't just the government elite raking it in.  The whole thing is an illusion.  If you use the British example, the royals set up a few charities to make it all seem chic and hip and oh so nice to give them money.  (They do that, too, just to stay in good graces with the public.)  Well, folks...that is what our government has done...set up some programs to gratify certain segments and then sell that to the public as a public relations campaign.

How far we have come!  "Progress", as Barack Obama likes to say, means taxes.  His game face lies are cloaked in warm and fuzzy entreaties like "fairness, climate change, social justice," and the like.  You have to give the guy credit.  He is lying and stealing as fast as he can.  In fact, the lying and stealing goes way beyond the White House, but he is setting a precedent for history's sake. 

We could deal with an occasional Maddoff.  It's tragic and the consequences are terrible for those who got hit.  But you do have to say a situation like that is a lesson to the rest of us.  The other thing is that an occasional Maddoff can be prosecuted, jailed, and pay the consequences of the public crime.  Still, the victims never recoup the losses in entirety.  In the end, crimes of fraud and theft are crimes.  What about politicians lying about "Climate Change?"  They have become no better than the lowest liars and thieves in our midst.  The level of lying and thievery has reached monumental heights, scamming the public in ways and depths only imagined by the tyrants of the past.

Back to the person who thinks the government is "smarter than we are," it seems we are finding out the government isn't smarter at all, but is infinitely more corrupt.  We could also deal with an occasional "useful idiot."  But we can't deal with millions of them, especially if they vote.  That person has been cloned by the public school system and the media, driven by government liars and thieves.  I look back at 1930's Germany and wonder if we haven't reached the same level of indoctrination.  Actually, I don't wonder...I fear we have reached the point of the Weimar Republic when the whole thing just starts going off the rails.

I do know that there were British loyals in American society before and during the American revolution.  But to have that revolution, there had to have been enough freedom loving people willing to step up and go through hell to put the British out of power.  There must not have been enough of those folks in Germany prior to and during Hitler's reign of power.  

Are there enough of us in America willing expose the lies and theft in order to protect freedom for the next generations?   When the UN proposes the U.S. Federal government should sacrifice economic liberty and throttle the freedoms we were guaranteed as American citizens, are there enough Americans who will stand against their own Federal government today?  

I guess we'll see.  I can tell you for certain, we can't count on the person who told me they LOVED Obama so much.  


Wednesday, December 5, 2012


A new product hits the market.  You hear the hype.  It's the greatest thing since sliced bread.  It's an Iphone, or a Cuisinart food processor, or On Star for your car.  Whatever the new product is, it is supposed to make your life easier and take away all of your work and worries.  At the risk of sounding like that guy they called the "unibomber" who hated technology, I have a gadget for you that is not going to make your life easier.  In fact its true intention is to make your life miserable....unless of course you are the strange type of person who wants someone else to make all of your decisions for you. 

Why would the Federal government grant millions and millions of our tax dollars to companies to develop Smart Meters for utilities, water, electric, and gas?  And then spend more millions on propaganda to tell us we must stop or reduce using fossil fuels and water?  And then spend more millions of dollars to set up regional bureaucratic boards under the "Sustainable Communities Initiative," boards that are designed to regulate water use, land use, and fuel use in these extra-jurisdictional regions? Why?

You get two correct answers on this one.  
#1.  Large utility corporations, most of whom already have monopolies,  are making deals with the  Federal government (using our tax dollars) that will allow them to sell less of their products at higher prices.  
#2. Our Federal government has made deals with the UN and third world nations, promising that the U.S. will stop and reduce using resources for our prosperity and well-being. 

If you replied with either or both of those answers, BINGO!  You win the prize.  (I don't actually have a prize to give you except for an "atta boy, " but I'll give you that!)

The premise for this assumes you actually still own or rent a house and run appliances such as an HVAC system, a refrigerator, a washer and dryer, a coffee pot, a hair dryer, etc.  These modern devices have made our lives better by large degrees.  We are no longer having to use wash-boards and our knuckles to wash our clothes. (My knuckles are very grateful, no doubt about that!)  We can dry our hair quickly in order to get to work on time.  We don't have to haul water from the river or a well to take a bath.  We are extremely more productive because we have climate control of our homes and work spaces. 

Oh, no...we can't have that, now can we!!  Especially if the rest of the world is not as capable of doing all of those things.  Why, we must be evil monsters to be heating and cooling our homes in a practical and efficient way, while the rest of the world doesn't.  Envy is a powerful tool.  Technology can be a huge blessing.  Or it can be used as a curse and a weapon against you.

The utility companies are putting out some massively seductive propaganda for Smart Meters.  If you know what the ultimate outcome will be, the propaganda is truly laughable.  If you don't know what it really is, you are going to swallow it, hook, line, and sinker. 

To understand how this will happen, start with the fact that your home's new digital meter will let information flow back and forth between your home and Duke Energy. That means information about your energy use will be transmitted in near-real time and available to you through your home computer, your smart phone or technology such as a home energy manager. As a result, you won't have to wait for a monthly bill to check on your usage. Instead, you'll be able to monitor your previous day's usage and, if you want, modify the ways you and your family are using electricity to better control costs. How you use the information is completely up to you – and only you, since the new grid gives consumers, not utility companies or the government, more power over energy choices.

Better control over your energy use and costs is just one of the advantages the  modernized grid will offer almost immediately. Another includes greater reliability throughout the entire power distribution network helping both prevent and pinpoint power outages in events such as storms. In addition, the modern day  grid will mean that Duke Energy representatives will no longer need to enter homes or come onto your property to read meters. Occasionally, we may need to have access to the meter for routine maintenance, but we'll let you know before we arrive. And the new technology will make flexible billing and payment options available to many.

If you believe all of that, I have a bridge in Arizona to sell you.  First of all, there are several canards in there.  I already have a meter that is read by remote from a truck that drives around and reads my meter from the street.  So there is no need for the meter reader to come into my property, or yours, anyway.  The utility company doesn't have a problem pinpointing problem areas now when there is an outage.  So the Smart Grid / Meters don't make any special improvements on that score.  As you can see from the first sentence, they mean to have real time information flowing back and forth between your house or business to their equipment, monitored by them.  And they are regulated by the government.   Who do you think wants that information and why?  

Do you really want to spend time every day monitoring your watts per hour?  Is that how best your time can be spent?   You aren't busy enough already?  A monthly bill isn't good enough for you?'s good enough for me.  I frankly don't envision spending my time micromanaging, hour by hour, what my energy, water, and gas usage is.  But they will.  Trust me.

In the future, the new grid will mean you can track exactly which appliances and equipment are costing you the most in energy use, letting you make changes to save on costs. Plus you'll be able to program your heating and cooling system, dishwasher, water heater and other appliances for greater efficiency. The technology  will  let you control your thermostat and appliances remotely and even alert you when you're approaching your own designated monthly energy budget.
The plan involves some really fun aspects to control your life.  This includes charging higher rates for "peak" time use.  It also includes allowing the utility company to regulate your appliances and thermostat.  Yes it does!  My son is currently living in Finland.  He tells me the thermostat goes to 72 degrees....period.  He asked someone about it.  They said, "That's what you get." "No more."  The high outside temperature there today is 28 degrees. I cannot attest to the efficiency of the HVAC system in his home.  (He is on assignment for the Air Force.)

When they talk about programming your appliances for greater efficiency...what that means is this:  If you turn on your dishwasher, your refrigerator energy automatically reduces to accommodate the dishwasher.  If you turn on the shower, using your hot water heater?  Your HVAC system shuts down until you finish your shower.  Wonder how the rest of the folks in the house will like that?  Hmmmm...

Oh, did I mention that appliance manufacturers want to buy this information from the utility companies?  And that the utility companies will be making money selling that information to appliance manufacturers....without your permission, by the way?  So then you can be inundated with appliance manufacturers and retail outlets bombarding you with sales pitches on replacing your appliances, telling you your appliances are not up to date enough and you must buy new ones that talk back to the Smart Meter the utility company just put on your home and business.  

Yep, Smart Meters are just great!  Can't wait til everyone is hooked up on those babies. 

Did I mention there are serious high radiation / health concerns that come with that Smart Meter installation?  And the occasional fires caused by Smart Meters?  And your power, water, and gas can be shut down by remote by the provider....or a hacker?  And that this doesn't save you a dime, but makes buckets and buckets of money for utility companies?

This is not the Nanny you want taking care of you, friends.   This would be called the NIGHTMARE NANNY. 

(Note: I have written Duke Energy and the Public Utilities Commission in my state and told them, in no uncertain terms, that I refuse to have a Smart Meter placed on my home.  I have placed a label on my electric meter saying NO SMART METER!  My advice:  If you have any energy left after all of the onslaught against our personal liberties that we are experiencing, start yelling loud and clear to your city, county, state, and utility providers that you will NOT accept a Smart Meter on your home or business. It is going to take a massive backlash from all of us to stop this dangerous insult to our liberties.) 
Here are some links to labels and information for you:
No Smart

Saturday, December 1, 2012


This must be a week for letters.  Today I received an email from a fellow who read one of my posts (2009) that was republished at Freedom Outpost recently.   The subject was Obamacare and health insurance, but I think he landed on it because he refers to my quotes from Ayn Rand as well.  For the sake of revealing how someone of Socialist ideology thinks, I thought it might be educational to post his email and my response to it for you.  If you wish to see the original post, you can go here: My Tea Party Chronicle

His email:
Ms. Pass:

Having read your blog about Ayn Rand and the execrable parasites known as health insurance companies, I would appreciate it if you would kindly explain why we should mourn their demise.

The good capitalist steals the best ideas of competitors, and the rest of the world has proven beyond cavil that socialized health care is more efficient than our bloated system, producing equivalent outcomes for a third of the cost.  Why is this such a bad thing? What value do these bureaucratic behemoths add?

The short definition of a modern Republican is a man who is more faithful to his dogma than his wife.  I would counter with a line from one of my other favorite atheist authors, Isaac Asimov: "Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right."

Regards, Dissenter

My reply:
The piece re: Ayn Rand that you have just seen was republished recently by Freedom Outpost.  I am assuming that is where you saw it.

From the tenor of your comments I am sure your question is not an honest one. From what you say in your email, your mind is made up and you have demonized not only insurance companies, but capitalism and Republicans as a monolithic group. Nevertheless, I will give you my best answers if you will take the time to read and study this issue.

Your statement here for instance: "The short definition of a modern Republican is a man who is more faithful to his dogma than his wife."
To which I would ask you if the same applies to FDR, Kennedy, and Clinton...each Democrats with mistresses and peccadilloes.

You ask me to defend the insurance industry and then you proceed to defend socialism, which is responsible for the direct and indirect murders of millions of people throughout its history.  Efficiency in killing people would be attributable to the purveyors of totalitarian control, not capitalism.  Do you really need proof of this?  If so, I will give you documentation to read.

The concept of the insurance industry is the creation of a "risk pool."  Replacing the private insurance industry with socialized insurance by government is, nonetheless, a "risk pool." Whether or not you agree with a third-party payer system, you must decide if you wish the force of the government to control your healthcare providers or whether you would rather choose your own insurance and healthcare providers.  Private insurance by choice? Or government insurance by force?  I can only conclude from your email, your response is that you think force is better than choice.

You ask this: "What value do these bureaucratic behemoths add?"
If bureaucracy is your objection, replacing one bureaucracy with an even larger, less personal, government bureaucracy cannot be your solution.  In what universe does that make any logical sense?

As to this statement: "the rest of the world has proven beyond cavil that socialized health care is more efficient than our bloated system, producing equivalent outcomes for a third of the cost."
I'm assuming from that you must have been locked in a room watching Michael Moore's movie "Sicko" in a repeating loop ad infinitum for you to say such a thing. A different question to ask yourself would be: Why do socialist government officials not have to live under the same health care laws that they have put in place for everyone else? If Obamacare is so great, why have our politicians exempted themselves from it?   

To answer this presumption of yours, I refer you to several links which I hope you will take the time to read. The first one is regarding Ezekiel Emanuel, White House health care policy advisor to Barack Obama and author of much of Obamacare.

Below is an example of Canada's Socialized Health Care which you say is "more efficient?"
The typical wait for hip surgery in Canada is 14 months.
In Canada’s Province of Quebec, patients in need of a 30 minute procedure to cure urinary tract infections are on a three year waiting list!
Children with significant hearing problems are denied access to cochlear implants.
Arthritis treatment in the United Kingdom has a waiting period of up to nine months.  Also in the UK, a 22 year old man just passed away because the government refused to allow him to receive a liver transplant.
Patients across the spectrum are denied access to thousands of necessary medications, which are deemed “too costly” or “unnecessary” by non-doctor bureaucrats.

In closing:  Prior to Lyndon Johnson's Great Society, the medical industry was providing adequate and accessible health care to all and at reasonable costs.  Insurance was a catastrophic safety net, while normal health care was an out of pocket expense, affordable to most all Americans.  Pro-bono work by hospitals and doctors took up the rest for the needy.  Churches and community charities took care of those who could not pay.  After Lyndon Johnson involved the government as a third party to the elderly and the poor, the entire situation devolved into a more corrupt money grab.....which tells you exactly what government intervention does to pulverize reason and sanity, care and due diligence, compassion and charity. 

Americans have been blessed with the best health care in the world which is now going to be degraded into the lowest common denominators due to socialism by those who think government is the answer, not the problem.  I take the opposite view because I have lived through the success of a substantial amount of freedom.  Moving toward totalitarian control over our every personal decision is not going to bring prosperity and happiness ....or good health anyone but the political elitists who eliminate the inferior outcomes of socialism from their own lives.  In case you haven't noticed, they vote the best for themselves and the least for the society they govern.  Not much different from the monarchical rulers of the past, eh?

So, Dissenter, march along to your masters' drum beat.  You contacted me with questions and statements.  I hope you understand why I took the time to answer you.

Cheryl Pass

P.S. I notice you quoted Isaac Asimov.  I'm sorry to say your favorite "atheist,"  also a Fabian Socialist, would only view you as a "useful idiot."  If you are trying to equate Ayn Rand with him and with Socialism due to atheism, that would be a canard.  Rand lived in and saw the horrors of Socialism and hence decided to warn Americans of the possible harm that ideology would bring upon us.