Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Don't get me wrong.  There are a few in Congress with guts to stand up.  But there are so few of them that nothing will be done to fix the situation.  Those few are stuck in no-man's land.  One of them, Jim DeMint of South Carolina, just decided the situation was so bad, he would go where he might make more of difference.  I wish him well and hope for his success in all ways.

First of all, I believe we have gradually been operating in Constitutional crisis mode for many decades to varying degrees, until now we are historic Rome, the Weimar Republic, the Soviet Union, and Greece all combined into the most poisonous soup ever dreamed up by enemies of the United States.  Just so you know that is my description of the situation we are in.  

As the last few years have drawn on into this abyss, I have read quite a few articles on who is behind the curtain pulling the strings.  It isn't one who, but a handful of who's ..and most of them are the global financiers and geo-political power brokers.  All of them are despicable users with huge egos.  I'm not a financial genius at the level of Hayek, of course.  But it doesn't take a financial genius to see the United States is being manipulated by money into ethical and Constitutional corruption beyond anything we have ever seen.  

I just read a short article today that prompted this post.  It is HERE  I am reprinting the entirety for you below: 

Anatomy of an End run

For all intents and pur­poses, cap and trade is dead in the U.S., but the global elite’s dream of a Technocracy-based economy is still alive and well.
Last month, Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion pitchman Al Gore  “again called for a ‘cap and trade’ system by warning Amer­i­cans the country faces a ‘cli­mate cliff’ in addi­tion to a ‘fiscal cliff.’” According to Gore,
“I think all who look at these cir­cum­stances should agree that Pres­i­dent Obama does have a man­date, should he choose to use it, to act boldly to solve the cli­mate crisis, to begin solving it.”
Far short of any voter-specified man­date, Gore pushes on: The cir­cum­stances that he (and he alone) cites pro­vide their own man­date to elected officials.
The best eco­nomic schol­ar­ship avail­able sug­gests that any kind of cap and trade sit­u­a­tion would impose a sig­nif­i­cant drag on the economy. Gore pays no atten­tion to such cri­tique, claiming that a carbon tax would def­i­nitely solve both fiscal and his dreamed-up “cli­mate cliff.”
What­ever frontal attack Gore (and other Tri­lat­erals) have launched in recent years, they have not gotten very far. How­ever, the have not and will not give up on their quest for the destruc­tion of the brown economy and the cre­ation of their utopian green economy — Technocracy.
So what hap­pens when they don’t get their way? We need not look any fur­ther than the writing of the Council on For­eign Rela­tions (CFR), which has long been a policy center driven by a Tri­lat­eral agenda.
The CFR pub­lished The Global Cli­mate Change Regime on July 5, 2012, which states in part,
“One way for Obama to force progress is to issue more exec­u­tive orders and admin­is­tra­tive rule­mak­ings to par­tially sub­sti­tute for Con­gres­sional oppo­si­tion to his cli­mate and energy agenda. Working through the EPA and the Clean Air Act, he could enact tougher rules that would cut carbon pol­lu­tion from power plants and mit­i­gate the poten­tial effects of the failure to enact a national cap-and-trade program.”
Their con­de­scending atti­tude towards the cit­i­zenry of this country is indeed insulting. Are they the “enlight­ened ones” with some mystic man­date to save us from our­selves whether we like it or not? Apparently.
From a strategic point of view, how­ever, you can see the value of the Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion hijacking of the Exec­u­tive Branch of the U.S. gov­ern­ment with the elec­tion of Jimmy Carter in 1976. They knew that the Amer­ican people would never go along with their screw­ball schemes, so they have forced them upon us by Exec­u­tive fiat – exec­u­tive orders, reg­u­la­tions and law-creating trade agreements.
Even though some mem­bers of Con­gress are fully aware of the Tri­lat­eral Commission’s agenda, there is no public recog­ni­tion of their iron-clad hege­mony over the Exec­u­tive Branch. Nei­ther are there any com­plaints about the loss of Con­gres­sional authority and inability to rep­re­sent their con­stituents who voted them into office in the first place.
Mean­while, voters are laboring under the delu­sion that those they elect will somehow rein in the Exec­u­tive Branch. How­ever, this has not hap­pened, is not hap­pening, and will not happen in the future.
How can the Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion hege­mony be over­come? Only by a direct and forceful Con­gres­sional con­fronta­tion, including leg­is­la­tion ban­ning their mem­bers and oper­a­tives from serving in the Exec­u­tive Branch.

I could not have said it better.   Sure, there are some players not named and the global banksters are not mentioned, but that article tells you a great deal about what has happened to the Constitution.  Executive fiat = dictatorship.  The President of the United States has become, for all intents and purposes, nothing more than a puppet for global powers who really don't give a flying rip about this nation other than what they can take from it....from us.  We are electing people to Congress who stand by with their thumbs in there ears or get in on the take, and generally do nothing to stop this madness.  Oath?  What oath?  We also have a Supreme Court who, even if they could possibly cope with all of the unConstitutional fiats, don't do that job to our salvation either.  (witness the Obamacare decision from Justice Roberts as a recent example)

And then I read an article at American Thinker today that verified what I am seeing.  A quote from that article:  "The Obama administration has pursued an active regulatory agenda. The overall regulatory burden is now $1.8 trillion annually, according to the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and this year alone new rules have added $215.4 billion in compliance costs."

That is ONE YEAR of regulatory burden, friends.  Losses to the economy, to those of you in Rio Linda. (as Rush would say)  Money that could be used productively if otherwise not scuttled down the toilet for this madness.  If the U.S. economy can afford that kind of loss, I've got some green cheese just arriving from the moon for your holiday cheese ball.  Put some nice Communist red paper chain (recycled, of course) garland around it, made by the inmates at our public elementary schools.  Vodka is optional for adult comrades only.

I've asked myself over the years, "How in the H E double LL are these insane regulations getting put upon Americans?"  Where did any freedom go?  I didn't vote for the Trilateral Commission or the CFR, or the IMF, or the UN, or the World Bank, or .....well, you see what I mean.  So the Presidential election (this time I really do believe was stolen with fraud) is a charade.  Sorry, to say.  I'm sure I am late to the party on that, since I have always felt it my duty to study candidates and vote in elections. 

Here's a thought.  Maybe all of those Cialis commercials are really made for male Congress members who obviously are impotent and / or focused on their bank accounts instead of the Constitution.  Not sure what to do with the female ones, but maybe Jane Fonda has them covered.

Still pondering.......


  1. The facts prove them wrong, but they see no need to change their push cap and trade. There is just too much money to be made. In a few years they are gpoing to realize that the sunspot activity is headed for a grand minimum, which will nring on a new ice age. Then their story will be that human production of carbon dioxide causing global warming when there is strong sunspot activity and global cooling when there little sunspot activity. Also, the depend on the ignorance of the average American and the support of the media. I was hoping that Aleen West might be the champion we need to counter these people, but the Florida Republicans redistricted him out of office. Our enemies are everywhere.

    1. It is amazing to watch this Global Warming lie keep going on and on, Jim. I went to that manufacturer's presentation at the architect's office yesterday and the entire first 15 minutes was selling the product based on global warming....a pitch meant to ingratiate the manufacturer with LEED and the USGBC. There were chuckles around the room when the guy first brought it up...then polite silence, since no one can stop the freaking lies. I think most professionals in the private sector are in one of two camps...the ones keeping their jobs by lying about it, and the others who are just sickened by it and trying to wait it out. No one seems to be able to slap it down and get rid of the nonsense.

      Yes...they are everywhere, sorry to say. You are right. Some hundreds of years from now I hope there is history written that talks about how so many stupid people were hornswoggled by globalist liars trying to scam the entire world. That is assuming there are any people left to read history after this evil bunch gets through wrecking things. We'll see....

      I do hate it that Allen West was targeted and lost this election. A fine guy...truth teller. They have to get rid of truth tellers. Alas.
