Tuesday, February 12, 2013


 "It's too hot."  Oops.  I mean, "It's too cold.  Oops.  I mean, "Whatever, Dude." 

Here we go again.  The POTUS delivers the SOTUS and the hoax continues.  The global leftists, including the President of the United States just can't let go of the lie.  Exploiting that the masses are still stuck on stupid, the State of the Union address included dire warnings about how weather events are SO MUCH WORSE than they have ever been in the history of mankind.  Worse, he proposes his Federal policies will fix that.  Look out friends...you are the target.  (We are the targets.)  I guess the O hasn't ever heard of This page that shows the worst hurricanes in U.S. History, only one of which happened in the last 30 years.  Or This page showing the cyclical nature of flooding and droughts.

 My mom, may she rest in peace, used to say, "You don't mess with Mother Nature."  The saying has more implications today than it had when she said it, but if you cut it down to basic common sense, that adage has always and ever will be true.  The reason she would say it had to do with real world anecdotal evidence of what natural disasters could bring.  Weather events were respected.  People prepared.  The Army Corps of Engineers built dams to control flooding.  The insurance industry charged more for building in areas prone to natural disasters.  People took heed.  It was up to individuals to assess and mitigate the risks.  People invented heating and air-conditioning for a reason...HELLOOOOooo!!!

But along the way, some people decided to blame the public for natural disasters.  Really.  Mother Nature isn't in charge.  It's all our fault. (Check Maurice Strong and the Club of Rome for who those people are.)  Imagine someone coming to you and telling you that Hurricane Sandy is your fault because you failed to switch out those light bulbs to the compact fluorescent type, or that you aren't bicycling to work, or you don't have a Smart Meter controlling your thermostat and appliances.  That IS what the President of the United States of America is telling you. Further, he is telling you the Federal government will force you to comply with whatever regulations he contrives and will do it through the executive branch by fiat.  Isn't it nice to be king?  If you have any prosperity left, you can kiss it goodbye.

The King of the World, Barack Obama, is telling you how he will use his tyrannical powers over you to supposedly fix the climate?  The "Audacity of Hope" has become the "Audacity of Stupidity," both his and the dumbed-down masses of idiots (low information voters) who put this character in the White House, not once but twice.  Who is dumb enough to believe that impoverishing the United States' population and lowering their standard of living is going to change the climate?  Tell me.  Who is that stupid?

Which brings me to the fire part of this.  The O is making a gamble that he can force you to do what he wants and use your money (both today's money and your children's future earnings) to do it, all for the deception that he can make you change the climate?  That's a pretty big gamble. People will surely notice that storms happen and that life is not made up of 365 perfect days per year.   He has done the same thing with healthcare, taking your money in order to make you think he can "fix" a problem.  In fact, he fixes nothing and only makes your money disappear....go up in flames.  He is, for all intents and purposes, burning down the house, the nation in which we live.  His deceptions are so ridiculous that, I believe, he is going to go down in flames himself.  (God willing) People may be dumbed-down, but the deceptions that this President perpetrates are so blatant and so devoid of positive results that this cannot go on. People aren't deaf, dumb, AND blind.  The results are becoming more and more obvious.  Continuing on his path, the house burns down as you have seen by the contracting economy, the continuing unemployment, the restrictions of resource use, the downward spiral of pressure on healthcare and escalating prices therein, the skyrocketing debt, financial instability, the narrowing of choices left to us, the corruption of our nation's institutions, on and on.

The only warming we are seeing is Barack Obama putting us all on the hot seat, a seat that is getting hotter and hotter by the minute.  Sooner or later, people will surely jump out of this hot seat and stop believing that Barack Obama can do anything, much less change the climate.  Somebody take the matches away from the king baby in the White House...Please!!


  1. Maurice Strong must be very proud of little Barry. Keystone Pipeline is something he didn't mention in SOTU. Buut, he did mention the need for more windmills. That worked so well in Spain.
    I'm not sure the ignorant masses will ever catch on, Cheryl I've watched the middle class shrink in Venezuela for the last fourteen years. I fear we will see the same in America.

    1. Oh, Jim...it is so sad to watch this insanity. I know you are right that Maurice Strong is very proud to see his monstrosity happening before his eyes. Sickening. I'm off today to interview potential Tea Party Board members...and praying we have some more good people stepping up to the plate.
      Sad to hear what you see in Venezuela is happening here. Makes you wonder, since they are choking out the middle class, the goal is to create the slave class they desire.
      It's all too terrible to witness, truthfully.
