Tuesday, February 19, 2013


How many ways can the statists take away your life and liberty?  
At this point it is becoming harder and harder to count them all.  From healthcare to education, from housing to food, the Federal government, under the dictatorship of Barack Obama, is in the process of taking everything in your life out of your hands.

Now Barack Obama wants four year old children in government run preschools. Universal pre-school for all!   Body snatching four year old children? Well, I think we've been there and done that, except Head Start was voluntary.  Well, voluntary to those who took their children there, but not to those of us who paid for it.  Even the word "voluntary" is so carelessly tossed around and ambiguous these days.  "Voluntary" is just another word for taking from some and handing it over to others.  Choices are so restricted that there is actually a phrase to describe that now.  It's called "Choice Editing."    

I have read that the "Affordable Health Care Act" contains language to allow the state to demand your organs upon your death without your consent.  Not at all sure that is so, but if Mayor Bloomberg can mandate what you can't buy to drink and can restrict the use of salt, is there any limit to what the government can and can't do with your body?  Obamacare (the unaffordable health care act) is chock full of assaults on a person owning his or her own body.  The "Independent Payment Advisory Board" is due to be the appointed cabal who decides your fate.  They are just another version of body snatchers. 

And who decides the fate of a four year old?  Parents or the almighty state?  If Barack Obama has his way, it will be the state.  The few short years that parents have to hold their children dearly and tightly, to protect them and shelter them, teaching them the uncompromising love of parents, would be cut short yet another year by the dictator in the White House. Obviously this is Hitler's and also the Soviet Marxist imperative, to take the children as quickly away from parents as possible and hand them over to the state.  My dear God, this is America!  How can anyone let this already, nearly complete, socialist / fascist doctrine  Socialist / Fascist doctrine continue?  How?  Why?  And now Eric Holder, the Joker of Justice, has chimed in to say that parents have no fundamental right to educate their own children? 

Most educated people are aware that since ancient Greece, with the philosophy of Plato, there have been statists who declare you only exist for the sake of the state.  This arrogant ideology only comes from those who believe they are immune from the declarations they make, never having to submit to the rules they put on others.  (Bloomberg and Gore would be two very fine examples of this.  George Bernard Shaw would be so proud of them.)  I can't imagine that they imagine they would ever be forced to do without whatever they wish or have someone else decide their fate.  No.  The rules they make are always for the poor unfortunate souls they denigrate as not worthy of liberty to choose a fate for themselves.  

Obama claimed that "fewer than three in ten 4-year-olds are enrolled" in a preschool program. So now he wants enrollment to become universal.

It harkens back Plato's Republic, which advocated children be mandatorily placed in the care of the state guardians at very young ages.

Except, right after his big speech, the White House contradicted Obama by suggesting that only families up to 200 percent of the poverty level instead of the current 130 percent would even qualify for his Head Start expansion.

Not exactly universal. But it will still end up costing billions more every year.

So Barack Obama thinks parents should hand over their children at four years old so that he and the statists can mold those children into good little slaves of the state.  And further, costing all of us billions more in taxation.   As usual, there is never enough to satisfy their appetite for power or your money.  K through 12 is obviously just not long enough for the Federal government to control the outcome of that child's life.  Why not just birth that baby and hand it over immediately to the state nursing agency where they will either keep the child or get rid of it, depending on the acceptable DNA results? 

You know it's coming.  You see it as plain as day, just like the sun coming up in the East.  The body snatchers are very busy planning your future.

(Just as a side note, I think it fascinating that each time a compassionate God inspired event or ideology appears, shortly thereafter an equally non-compassionate, cruel ideology of tyranny rears its ugly head.  I suppose this is the moral tug of war for the history of the world...the war of good vs. evil, no doubt.  But soon after Hippocrates penned his Hippocratic philosophy of compassionate care of the sick and infirm, along came Plato with just the opposite view. That is just one example of this constant dichotomy presented to humanity.) 


  1. Why stop at 4. Anyway, getting the hands of poor kids make for good citizen soldiers after a complete indoctrination.

  2. Sadly, most American voters are gullable enough to think this is a good idea. The minds of the children will be stunted for life.
