Thursday, February 2, 2012


One...just ONE Presidential candidate has told the truth about the insanity of "Climate Change" AKA Global Warming. Here is what Rick Santorum said: "I believe the earth gets warmer and I also believe the earth gets cooler. And I think history points out that it does that and that the idea that man, through the production of CO2 -- which is a trace gas in the atmosphere, and the man-made part of that trace gas is itself a trace gas -- is somehow responsible for climate change is, I think, just patently absurd when you consider all the other factors." video here

Hallelujah! Unfortunately the bureaucrats in government are not listening. It's as if an army of robots have been unleashed on the American public, all of them carrying the memo that we will do what they say, "OR ELSE." And they all use the excuse that we are a plague on the planet so we better get in line. More on that in a minute.

To be fair, I asked Newt Gingrich at a town hall in Rock Hill, SC about Sustainable Development and he said he repudiated the methodology and would get rid of it immediately if he were President. He is one smart guy, so I am figuring that he knows that Sustainable Development is based on "Climate Change" insanity and therefore doesn't believe in the hoax either, in spite of getting sucked into that ridiculous commercial with Pelosi some time ago. (He has said that was a huge mistake.) There are videos of Gingrich saying he opposes all things Agenda 21. I still want to hear him say just what Rick Santorum has said. And as long as I am on the subject of Newt, I might as well put it out there that I would vote for him if North Carolina had a primary tomorrow. I also have some respect for Santorum and would like him to stay in the race. I could live with either of them, actually.

Back to the robots. They must be getting paid well. There are a lot of them and they descend upon cities and "regions" in droves with reams of literature on why we should all be packed into high density areas with mass transit and energy star appliances. Our CCOG (Centralina Council of Governments) has been handily equipped recently with our tax dollars, nearly $5 million from HUD, to waltz into our local city government and lure our elected leaders into compliance with Smart Growth and Sustainable Development methods to control our lives. How many times are you hearing that our lifestyles are not "sustainable," that we have to get out of our cars, live smaller, take rapid transit, stop watering our cattle on our own lands, stop eating meat, turn over our land to conservancies, et al? And all of this rubbish, while based on the UN Agenda 21 doctrine, is cloaked in the most insane lies and twisted language that the world has ever seen. The industrial age has not wrecked the climate of the Earth.

Climate Depot has a great Article describing the truth of the matter. What is really tragic to me is that so very many people are swept up in the fervor of these lies that the rest of us who know better are suffering from the idiotics of the green economic disasters the liars perpetrate.

At least two Presidential candidates on the right have said something of the truth. One is Santorum by repudiating the false premise. And the other is Newt Gingrich by repudiating the implementation of Sustainable Development. Either one of them is light years better than Mitt Romney who I would trust about as far as I could throw him.

The primary process for Republicans this year is the biggest fiasco I think I've ever seen in my lifetime. And now today we have Trump making it an ever bigger circus.

Are we having fun yet? Oh, and Happy Groundhog Day!!

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