Wednesday, April 3, 2013


My husband and I have great conversations sometimes where we realize and rediscover how much alike our childhoods were.  This morning over breakfast we discussed the whys and wherefores of "common knowledge" and how that happens.  The conundrum on the table was: "How on earth are so many people being snookered into the global warming scam?" Next question: "Where are the people who ask critical questions of those who present such false premises?"  Next question: "How are people missing the real science and real world evidence?"  Next question: "Even after the IPCC so-called global warming science was proven to be corrupted and false, how is it that the policies based on those lies still continue to be forced on us?"  

These questions turned into reflections on our parents, both sets, telling us, "if everyone is jumping off a cliff (in my husband's case it was a bridge), does that mean you are going to do it?"  Flaws and all, the two sets of our parents were wise on that one.  As growing children, our parents' admonitions caused us to pause, consider the consequences of following the herd, and most importantly, made us think for ourselves.  It also made us consider economics.  If the activity in question was going to cost money, whose money was going to cover the cost?  Ours, or our parents?  If we insisted we should participate, who was going to pay for it?

I was listening briefly yesterday to a Sean Hannity interview on his radio show.  I just happened upon the end of a discourse between Hannity and Kirsten Powers.  The subject was the exhorbitant amount of money the POTUS and his family are spending on vacations while telling the rest of Americans that we must live with the so-called "sequester" on spending.  Hannity questioned the two spring break vacations the two POTUS offspring took that cost us millions of $$$$.  But good ole leftist, Kirsten, said those vacations were justified by POTUS being such a good parent and that those girls' friends were wanting the girls to go on those vacations, so of course, POTUS had to say yes and give them what they wanted.  Her assertion was it would have been cruel to keep the girls from doing what their friends were doing.  Nevermind that she neglected to acknowledge the American taxpayers were paying for this, Americans who can't afford to go on vacations.  Even Hannity neglected to drive that point home.  I reference this radio conversation to show how immature and entitled the left is.  They can't think beyond..."everyone is doing it, so we should, too."  And it matters not who pays the bill as long as it isn't them.  There was no common knowledge of personal accountability in the entire thought process that Kirsten expressed.  None. I was listening to the mind of arrested development, someone who just didn't have the capability to consider the consequences of actions.  She has the mind of a 10 - 15 year old.  "If it feels good to do something, you do it and let someone else pay the price."  Go ahead!  Jump off the cliff!  But make someone else pick up the pieces.

Here's the thing. The people who are paying (and going to pay) the price for following the herd are being pushed off the cliff into paying.  This is the "consensus" so coveted by global progressives.  If those who are paying dare to speak up to complain about paying for hoaxes and heists, then those who complain are chastised, shamed, yelled at, treated like dirt, disrespected, ignored, etc.  Let the temper tantrums begin.  The child's response to the mature and wise adult is a tantrum.   

There is another underlying message our parents taught while teaching us to not "jump off the cliff."  That is that IF you are going to play, you are the one who must pay.  But again, this lesson is missing in the minds of progressives.  In this current political context, "play" means doing what "feels good."  And what "feels good" to the indoctrinated progressives is collective theft.  As long as collective theft "feels good," and as long as they have the keys to political power,  those forced to pay are all being pushed off the cliff. 

So here is my question to my readers.  How do you make developmentally arrested adults #1. think through the consequences of their actions? and #2. realize that stealing is a punishable offense?  Before you go crazy at the apparent simplicity of that question, know that I raised two children who became great, responsible adults.... and they did get those lessons.  I've been through all of the peer pressure arguments, the tantrums, the economic questions, and all of the agonizing pain that was rewarded in the long run with truth and reason prevailing.  (whew! Thanking the dear Lord for that.)
But we are talking about adults who obviously missed out on all of that.  I can waste time blaming other parents in several decades of generations who didn't take the time or care to teach the lessons.  That doesn't help at this point.  What we need to find out now is how to teach developmentally arrested adults OR at the least, get them out of power positions.

I have one suggestion, not that the media companies would listen to me.  I wonder how on earth some person such as Kirsten Powers gets paid to be on radio (plus Fox News) with Sean Hannity and, by doing so, her lame assertions are given credence just by her appearance on the show.  I suppose Sean Hannity is tied to the "fair and balanced" nonsense or perhaps he thinks by exposing this immaturity to the public, he would make the point.  I have to tell you this tactic is not working.  Paychecks (big ones) are being written to incompetent children / adults to skew the public sphere with a false "consensus."  They are rewarded for telling people to "jump off the cliff."  While I can hear the progressive arguments and see through them, there are many in this society who lack the ability to critically think.  Or, the public doesn't  even have the time to devote to these issues. At the least, the public sees a woman getting paid big bucks on tv or radio to further the cause of collective theft.  This demoralization creates more peer pressure to shut up opposition.  Whether Hannity realizes it or not, he is lending credence to those who he says he disagrees with.   He is giving progressives a well paid platform.  Does this feed the advertisers by keeping controversy alive?  I suppose they think so. That is just one aspect of media motives. (Just so you know...I don't watch or listen to Hannity usually at all.  I just happened upon that one interview for a few minutes.)

Am I saying to shut down free speech in America?  In fact, the progressive left is doing a great job of that already. What I am proposing is it is time to get serious and stop rewarding the developmentally arrested who are posing as adults.  As long as they are rewarded, we are stuck in this never ending spiral of being pushed off the cliff .....the cliff the progressives love so much.   

Can the parents take over now, please?

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