Dear Readers,
Some years ago, when I started this blog, I had arrived at a conclusion that the Federal government was completely off the rails. Over the years, as I looked at the local and state policies going on around me, I decided one approach would be to get locally elected officials to hold the line against the Federal policies. All politics being local, I thought this may be the best way for each of us to fight back and retrieve our government. Now, after scrutinizing the local budgets, going to meetings of councils, commissioners, MPOs, COGs, etc., I have come full circle in my assessment that the Federal government is the driver of all that has run amok. BUT, I have to say I believe the local political cast of characters, both elected and unelected, is also to blame for buying into the Federal scams. (Most, not all.) So I've decided it is all levels of government scheming against the private sector, with yet another caveat thrown in.... that the larger corporate factions of the private sector have jumped into bed with all of the levels of government to scheme against the taxpayers right along with the big government types. There is no end to the co-mingling of corruption and collusion.
So...round and round it goes and where it stops, nobody knows.
I have decided to take a break from writing my blog for a few weeks, possibly the rest of the summer. We'll see if I can actually do that. Last time I tried to take a break, I ended up back in the fray fairly quickly. Chasing down all of the rabbit holes and finding they all lead to the same place has made me very tired. I've neglected my personal life too much in order to expose the cancerous corruption that ails our nation. Plus, I believe there are other writers out there doing a superb job of keeping up with the myriad of political disasters. My solutions are your solutions, i.e. get involved where you can, protect yourself as you can, and continue to spread the word. The entire world has caught fire since I started this blog. Every day is filled with outrage after outrage committed by government and those in on the take with government. So many issues have caught fire that this lady cannot keep up with all of them.
I am going to continue to work with my local Tea Party and network with friends statewide who are voicing their opinions as well as working with campaigns to replace corrupt politicians. From Common Core to immigration, to sending arms to enemies in the middle east, to financial manipulation by the Fed, to being taxed to death from all levels, to regulations that are killing everything around us, to NSA spying, to Agenda 21, to gun control, to toll roads, high speed rail, and mass transit, subsidized everything, infiltration of Islamic enemies into our government, to ACA-health care, utility metering for rationing.....
Seriously, I have to take a break.
One last shot at a couple of things.....
#1.From what I know, I believe Mr. Snowden has only revealed what the public should have known all along and that which some people already knew. He should not be pursued by our government for espionage. He should be regarded as a patriot. Without knowing where his story is leading, right now I nominate him for a Patrick Henry award.
#2.The immigration bill is another nail in the coffin of what used to be the United States of America. If the Corker amendment passes later today, which I hear it will, this nation is no longer the America we love. Between this, Obamacare, Dodd Frank, the continuing strangulation of energy industries, spying on all of us, etc. we are seeing exactly what this POTUS wanted to see, the complete and utter destruction of our nation as we knew it. We have crossed the Rubicon and there is no returning without Divine intervention.
Have a great summer if you can....I'll jump in now and then, will keep reading my friends' sites, and I hope you will use my side bar for any info you want.
Follow up note...
The amendment passed, so for your reading pleasure I leave you with this Breitbart article about where they are spending the money they are stealing from you, your children, and your grand-children. You can barely afford a car or education for your own children, but Bernie Sanders has made sure that you will pay for some other person's personal vehicle. I guess that we are paying billions for mass transportation isn't good enough for Mr. Sanders. Before you know it there will be a Prius or Volt in every garage. Car handouts for kids
Breitbart News has learned there is a provision included in the immigration bill that could be used to give free cars, motorcycles, scooters or other vehicles to young people around the country over a period of 15 months after the bill passes. The new provision is a result of the latest addition to the Corker-Hoeven amendment, which is essentially an entirely new version of the bill.
The Washington Examiner’s Byron York uncovered the new Obama stimulus program that Gang of Eight members and other Senate Republicans inserted into the bill as a sweetheart deal for liberal Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). The left leaning Senator was previously critical of the legislation.“The original Gang bill ended with a section designated Title IV, which was headlined REFORMS TO NON-IMMIGRANT VISA PROGRAMS,” York wrote on Sunday. “The Hoeven-Corker version of the bill added a Title V, with the headline JOBS FOR YOUTH. The measure would provide $1.5 billion in the next two years to provide jobs for Americans between the ages of 16 and 24. It was originally pushed by Democratic Sen. Bernard Sanders, who wanted to come to the aid of young workers who were ‘hard hit by the Wall Street-caused recession.’ Now, Sanders says immigration reform will further damage youth job prospects.”A provision under that new stimulus program title allows for the use of spending the taxpayer money on the program to provide transportation for youth to and from their jobs.“(f) USE OF FUNDS.—
(1) IN GENERAL.—The funds made available under this section shall be used—
(A) to provide summer employment opportunities for low-income youth, with direct linkages to academic and occupational learning, and may be used to provide supportive services, such as transportation or child care, that is necessary to enable the participation of such youth in the opportunities;”The total appropriation for this new stimulus program would be $1.5 billion that would be divvied up among states that applied for the money. According to the proposed statute as written, all the money would need to be spent in a year-and-three-months period.“The amounts appropriated under this title shall be available for obligation by the Secretary of Labor until December 31, 2014, and shall be available for expenditure by grantees (including subgrantees) until September 30, 2015,” the part of the provision detailing how long the money would be available for reads.A GOP senate aide told Breitbart News that for the country to be able to spend $1.5 billion on such a program so fast, it would need to buy, lease or rent motor vehicles for beneficiaries of the new government handout. The provision that outlines how the money can be legally used for providing “supportive services” like “transportation,” the aide said, could easily be interpreted to mean the money could be spent buying or leasing or renting vehicles for the beneficiaries.“This appears to give states authority to buy, lease or rent motorcycles, cars and scooters or anything kids want to buy to get to and from a job,” the GOP aide said.