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Below is an editorial I wrote that was published recently by our local newspaper:
The Tyrants of Climate Change
The onslaught against nature, both human nature and the nature of the planet on which we live, by the powerful political environmentalist zealots continues to dismay, disappoint, and disgust me. In order to combat this din of lies and distortions, I am compelled to write to you in order to at least help to educate the public who is ultimately paying a terrible price for being duped.
Motive here is an important factor. Just when you think we have evolved past the elitist structure where royalty take the spoils of the land and from the people who do the labor, now we find ourselves in the largest power grab that has ever taken place in the history of civilization. Think about it. If you can take away and tax the very natural resources people need to live, then you have complete and total power over all of the masses. Cite any tyranny from history and you will see that, where force takes away basic abilities to survive in a particular environment, tyranny wins. The environmentalist movement of today is no different than the tyrannies of the past, taking away basic necessities from the needs of the people. It’s a power grab like you have never seen.
I know that for years the government schools have been indoctrinating students and misrepresenting facts in order to support the government funding they receive. But how can it be that the majority of the public has completely missed the most basic science lesson of photosynthesis? As any major tyrant will tell you, if you indoctrinate youth into your lies, distortions, and way of thinking, you can get away with anything.
If you use the illogic of the EPA taxing cow emissions, then you can most certainly tax humans for breathing. We inhale oxygen and exhale that horrible pollutant, carbon dioxide, i.e. CO2. Especially we need to come up with a very punitive tax on all those marathoners who are expelling tons of carbon dioxide while training and racing!! (Did you just sneeze? Bless you...Now give the EPA some more money.)
Oh, we’re a blight on the planet. First we’ll try to convince people to pay for “carbon credits” voluntarily. As soon as we get them used to that idea, then we can impose the tax through force. First though, to get the process started, let’s tax cow emissions! That way we can take money away from the people who need milk for strong bones and teeth, make it more expensive, reserve it for just those rich elitists who can afford it, and condemn those dastardly farmers who keep cows.
Now for the facts on Carbon Dioxide:
The following article is from SYLVAN H. WITTWER, professor emeritus of horticulture at Michigan State University, directed the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station for 20 years, and chaired the Board on Agriculture of the National Research Council. He is the author of the world's leading textbook on greenhouse vegetables, and is co-author, most recently, of Feeding a Billion: Frontiers in Chinese Agriculture.
“A fascinating report was published by scientists with the Finnish Forest Research Institute in the April 3, 1992 issue of Science magazine. The researchers reported a 25 to 30 percent increase in the growing stock of forests in Austria, Finland, France, Sweden, Switzerland, and West Germany between 1971 and 1990, and attributed this growth in part to a 9 percent increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide during the same period.
One of the best-kept secrets in the global warming debate is that the plant life of Planet Earth would benefit greatly from a higher level of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere.
You read that correctly. Flowers, trees, and food crops love carbon dioxide, and the more they get of it, the more they love it. Carbon dioxide is the basic raw material that plants use in photosynthesis to convert solar energy into food, fiber, and other forms of biomass. Voluminous scientific evidence shows that if CO2 were to rise above its current ambient level of 360 parts per million, most plants would grow faster and larger because of more efficient photosynthesis and a reduction in water loss. There would also be many other benefits for plants, among them greater resistance to temperature extremes and other forms of stress, better growth at low light intensities, improved root/top ratios, less injury from air pollutants, and more nutrients in the soil as a result of more extensive nitrogen fixation.
This good news about carbon dioxide has been all but ignored in alarmist discussions about possible global climate changes. CO2-related benefits were barely mentioned at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in June, where the rising level of carbon dioxide and other "greenhouse gases" was decried as the world's greatest environmental threat. The Rio Summit ended with the United States and over 150 other nations signing a Framework Convention on Climate Change, committing themselves to stabilizing emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases at 1990 levels.”
Not to mention Al Gore’s total insanity and the dire promises of Obama to exacerbate this power grab, I will cite this government outrage: “William K. Reilly, President Bush's administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, defends the $20 billion in costs that the Clean Air Act of 1990 has imposed on the U.S. economy, in part on the grounds that it "will eliminate 56 billion pounds of pollutants annually, many of them greenhouse gases." (carbon dioxide / CO2)
And yet, for over 100 years, nurserymen have been adding carbon dioxide to their greenhouses to raise the yields of vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants. And for decades, it has been well known among botanists, biochemists, agriculturalists, and foresters that a shortage of carbon dioxide is the most common limiting factor preventing photosynthesis from proceeding more efficiently.”
This article is only a small piece of the factual science that the public needs to know. When the masses are rendered so weak in knowledge, in sustaining food supplies and in financial resources, there is no ability to combat tyranny. I am very worried that we are beyond recompense. Is this national tragedy beyond anyone’s ability to fight back?
I leave you with this question: How can the people of the United States stand up against the new “royalty” of their politicians and bureaucratic administrators who are taking by force their liberty and fortunes, however large or small, from them? When and where is the tea party? Count me in!
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