Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
"Economists’ fondness for freedom rarely implies any particular policy program. A fondness for freedom is perfectly compatible with favoring redistribution, which can be seen as increasing one person’s choices at the expense of the choices of another, or with Keynesianism and its emphasis on anticyclical public spending.
Many regulations can even be seen as force for freedom, like financial rules that help give all investors the freedom to invest in stocks by trying to level the playing field."
Thursday, January 27, 2011
If you are one of those who think if we stop buying foreign oil we will put all of the bad guys out of business, you might want to rethink that. China is the Middle East's Favorite Customer
"China is the largest importer of Middle Eastern oil, buying just over a tenth of the crude oil exported by Gulf states. It's also Iran's top customer, taking 23 percent of Tehran's oil."
If you are one of those who think "green" energy will create jobs in the United States, you might want to rethink that one, too.
Obama's Green Energy Proposals Will Bankrupt America
"The 11 US-based wind farms that received cash grants from the US Treasury have imported 695 of the 982 wind turbines that are to be installed. Since the manufacture of turbines is by far the largest employment generator in wind energy, it is estimated to have created 4,500 jobs overseas – far in excess of the jobs created in the US from these grants. And in Spain, $30 billion has been spent using taxpayer monies on “green” jobs… those positions ended up costing $855,000.00 each."
If you are one of those who think we need to be so cool like the Europeans and take on their oh so enlightened view on saving the planet with "green" energy, you might want to check out just how that worked out for Spain.
"Spain is a country President Obama says the U.S. should replicate when it comes to energy policy, saying, “they’re making real investments in renewable energy.” But real investments aren’t necessarily good investments. Another IER-commissioned study coming out of King Juan Carlos University in Madrid by Gabriel Calzada found that, for every green job created, 2.2 jobs in other sectors have been destroyed. Furthermore, Spain’s government spent $758,471 to create each green job and used $36 billion in taxpayer money to invest in wind, solar, and mini-hydro from 2000-2008. The country’s unemployment rate is currently at 19.4%."
If you are one of those who think windfarms are just so "ducky" and will save our wildlife through our use of "green" energy, you might want to take a flyer into the real consequences by reading the article below.
Effects Of Windfarms On Wildlife - Avian Cuisinarts
"The avian mortality problem of wind power is different from bird mortality from stationary objects. As explained by the CEED Study, p. 2-15: 'Wind farms have been documented to act as both bait and executioner -- rodents taking shelter at the base of turbines multiply with the protection from raptors, while in turn their greater numbers attract more raptors to the farm."
"In one week the Sekano and Barracuda found 19 tawny vultures dead under a wind farm of 11 wind turbines in the Landmark Wheel area (Zaragoza, Spain). The Department of Environment was notified and the immediate closure of the park and a moratorium on the installation of wind farms has been requested ."
There is no "green" pie in the sky. There is zero truth to Obama's assertions that "green" energy will save America from anything. There is nothing but dead birds, higher unemployment, higher energy costs, and an even more bankrupt America at the end of this rainbow.
Pass the word along and wake up the zombies!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
But to give you something to celebrate after all, here are two videos of honest, truthful, energetic, enthusiastic supporters of our Constitution. If you didn't catch them last night, you may watch them here. Enjoy!
Paul Ryan is a gifted speaker who conveys the heart of the Republic. As the left tries their best to take him down, those of us who are looking for a bright light at the end of this horrid 4 year dark tunnel, Representative Ryan is that bright light.
And to put the exclamation point on the evening, Rep. Michele Bachmann nails the coffin shut. (oops, was that uncivil? Excuse me if that offended anyone.) She was more specific in showing the path off the cliff with Obama driving the car.
I thank God for both of these patriots who have put their energies into saving the country from the Marxists who have infiltrated our government. We need more like them. And notice that both of these great Americans are in the House of Representatives where the voices of the people are heard above the aristocracy of the corrupt executive branch.
No, we will not sit down and shut up.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
The one thing I look forward to this evening is Paul Ryan's rebuttal speech. There are reasons for the differences between the Marxist view and the Constitutional view of our country. The Constitution is morally correct. The Marxist is corrupt, immoral, and completely anti-American. Paul Ryan is what I would call a great American.
Paul Ryan is a Constitutionalist. He loves the principles of America. Unlike Obama, who lives to destroy (transform) America into his Marxist father's dream.
American Thinker Article Re: Paul Ryan Written by K. E. Campbell
"From an ideological perspective, big government can combine with big business to advance a more progressivist society. For self-described "progressives," the agenda is straightforward: expand government; co-opt big business; direct the capital markets from Washington to pursue "social justice." Think Fannie and Freddie by much higher orders of magnitude." Paul Ryan
So on with the show! Some of us know grease paint from reality. Paul Ryan has the courage to state the obvious, that Obama is a cronie capitalist, Marxist using Facsist methods to get to his final destruction of the country.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Moral of the story: We only can deal with our own troubles and we would not want to take on someone else's troubles. I think she was trying to tell me to be grateful for what I was given, troubles and all. I think the story also means not to envy someone else's life, for they each own have troubles. It's about envy. She was telling me not to envy someone else's life. And to this day, I thank my mother for that lesson. I learned to admire people for their gifts, and not to envy them for what they have....for under the surface, we each have our own troubles.
Now below we have Van Jones speaking to the Guilford College students telling them we should all take on someone else's life with the idea that all lives should have equal outcomes. I don't know who raised Van Jones, but his premise is so Marxist and fictional that it denies anyone's individuality. What was his mother smoking? To Van Jones, life is about creating a society where no one has more than another, no one is more or less talented, more or less advantaged, more or less anything. All the same, like carbon copies of pablum. I think Van Jones would be very happy living among identical robots.
He sounds so tame, so benign, so confident of his view. Yet, his tame, benign, confidence would take everything you worked for and give it to someone else. And he would pick who would receive the fruits of your labor. His view is of a collective population, not a population of individual achievements. He envisions Social Justice as not Legal Justice? So, to him, his law reflects the collective, not the individual. He couches his words carefully. Do not miss the soft revolution he recommends. He is influencing college students to adhere to his collectivist view, notice he talks about people as a group of interchangeable persons, where one would live just the same as the other. Watch it and learn!
And by the way, here is his biography
Friday, January 21, 2011
Obama has learned his lesson well. He is both Marxist and pragmatist. While he was out there greasing the skids with speeches which were supposed to mask the true nature of his take-over of health care, he worked behind the scenes with a, near communist, democrat congress to destroy the health care system in America. But nevermind that. Now we see the polls returning to more approval of the Obama presidency. One speech in Tucson and the whole nation goes gaga?
Two Democrat presidencies. Both carrying the methods of Saul Alinsky to maintain power. Both saying whatever it takes to fool the American public.
Hillary took on health care. While Barack has temporarily destroyed the health care system, Michelle takes on food. While her husband is telling everyone to chill out and relax, that he will work with Republicans and get those jobs back, Michelle is announcing a deal with Walmart to reduce salt and sugar in the foods they put on the shelves for public consumption. What is the quid pro quo? Call me skeptical, but I have no doubt that Michelle promised Walmart something in return for that cute little PR moment. Would it be that Walmart will remain exempt from the health care mandates? Would it be that Michelle will call off the union dogs from Walmart's front door? You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.
All outrageous abuses of power. How best to control a population of people? Medical care and food, among others. Michelle Obama went to Walmart and made a deal on the content of food. This is no different than the federal government / Obama going to the car manufacturers and telling them how to produce what kind of cars. Just as some leftists in the legislature decided what light bulbs you will use. Our federal government, with a huge boost from this leftist president, has decided to get in bed with corporations and manipulate our choices on everything we do. Is there anything you are doing or purchasing that is now not controlled in some measure by the long arm of the federal government?
Obama cannot continue the Global Socialist transformation of America if he is voted out in 2012. So he'll make some speeches and pretend in public that he is moving to the center until then. He has already figured out that he can make rhetorical orations full of innuendo and vague meanings that the public responds to favorably. That is probably his sharpest tool in his tool chest. His rhetoric does not match his actions. Is the public smart enough to notice that? Are we willing to sit back and watch as the Obama marxist machine, complete with unconstitutional czars, marches forward on the basis of some flowery speeches that seem to turn the heads of a fickle public? Once re-elected in 2012, do you honestly think Obama will be content to allow Americans to return to their rightful Constitutional government? He has already advised us all that he doesn't adhere to the United States Constitution.
Watch the Kabuki theatre and hope people are smart enough to realize it is just that, Kabuki theatre.
"The president wants a monument for achievement in office. He doesn’t want that to come by taking the torch and carrying it in the war on terror. Who on the left would? It won’t come from righting our free economy. Mr. Obama is proving he doesn’t give a fig about free enterprise."
"The president expects his monument to be built on comprehensive systemic change. Change that wins the plaudits of the left elite in academia, the media, and the arts."
"Given his track record so far, it is clear that Mr. Obama sees himself as a change agent of the profoundest sort. Aside from a little nod to the nation’s values and traditions, he intends to re-chart its course, recasting the United States in a corporatist/socialist mold."The Overton Window Explained
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
You know how hard it is to keep up with all those passwords to all of the internet sites you visit. You know it's a pain. You can't remember all of them. In fact, I keep a cheat-sheet in a book next to my computer where I've written them all down in case my "remember me" app fails or I have to erase my cookies. (uh oh, I probably shouldn't have divulged that information to those who might possibly want to break into my cyber sphere.)
Ta da! Bring on the ruffles and flourishes! Never fear! Obama is here!!! What a great bunch of Czars he has assembled......armies of men and women who spend each day and night figuring out ways to make your life....uh, more beholden to "The One." We are to be saved from our internet password hell by none other than those sweet, technologically savvy, folks at the White House. You know those compassionate people, who could not stop Wikileaks and want to tell your doctor how to practice medicine, now want to control your passwords. The same people who are shutting down the coal industry and forbidding drilling for oil want to keep a database of your password(s) to your information on the internet. Make a political contribution online? The White House will know about it. Pick the opposite political party? The White House will have the information. Buy a pocket Constitution? Hmmmmm....well Obama might not approve of that one.
In case you missed it, while the media and the administration was deriding political dissent all last week and telling people they'd better be nicey nice, the Internet Czar has put forth a "proposal" for a federal data base assigning each citizen a government approved internet password. They just want to make your life know. The mob just wants to protect your neighborhood. Sure, Hansel and Gretel didn't meet a cannabalistic old witch in the woods either.
“Sometimes, the word ‘voluntary’ is a little complicated…”
–Obama Regulatory Czar, Cass Susstein
You think it can't happen here?
"Efforts to place restrictions on the internet are unfolding apace in Australia where the government is implementing a mandatory and wide-ranging Internet filter modeled on that of the Communist Chinese government."
From there to here
"The Obama administration is planning on handing over power to the U.S. Commerce department in a new effort to increase security on the Internet. The idea is to create an "identity ecosystem" for the Internet, while the government says this is not a "National ID Card" it does appear to be very similar but restricted only to Internet activities."
"Since this Administration never lets a crisis go to waste I thought it would be useful to dig out at least one significant announcement that the White House purposefully buried in the wake of the Tucson shootings. From the Washington Times editorial page, we find this evil spawn, courtesy of those delightful jackanapes at the White House. Note the use of the term "White House cybersecurity advisor." That's media speak for one of the more than three dozen unconfirmed Marxist -leaning czars appointed by Obama, his hand picked shadow government in-waiting.
The White House cybersecurity adviser joined Commerce Secretary Gary Locke to announce what amounts to a national ID card for the Internet.Their plan is straightforward. Instead of logging onto Facebook or one's bank using separate passwords established with each individual company or website, the White House will take the lead in developing what it calls an "identity ecosystem" that will centralize personal information and credentials. This government-approved system would issue a smart card or similar device that would confirm an individual's identity when making online credit-card purchases, accessing electronic health care records, posting "anonymous" blog entries or even logging onto one's own home computer, according to administration documents.Officials insist this would be a voluntary program and deliver significant benefits to the public.Centralizing access to personal information only makes it easier for the bad guys because it means they only need to steal one key to unlock a vast wealth of financial and personal information. It's likely that the real motivation for this is to ensure the feds always have backdoor access into what people are doing in the online realm.
This would not only be the end of personal privacy; we would have good running start at an authoritarian American gulag. Thanks to the socialist thugs appointed by Obama, American's must now focus Congress's attention on rejecting this cynical evisceration of our Constitutional protections of privacy, speech, press and association."
Those on the left, who are Obama's fan base, are the same people who had an apoplectic fit over George Bush's wire tapping to defend us against terrorists. I guess one man's oppression is another man's cyber security? And, by the way, did you know we needed an "ecosystem" for the internet? Are you laughing yet? OMG! I'd prefer my own password hell, thank you very much. My little cheat-sheet book, at least, is mine and the government can't have its hands on it.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Isn't that just ducky? Let's all sing Kumbayah and Hail to the Chief as the media and the left want to shut everyone else in the country up. Since Republicans won the 2010 mid-term election, there seems to be quite a backlash from the left. First, they want you to believe that Sarah Palin and the Tea Party movement is responsible for a mass murder. Next we hear about some silly "no labels" idea, where elections should take place with no party labels so the public won't be able to have any inkling what the candidate may represent. Now we have this ridiculous idea that if we just make the Congresspersons all mixed up at the State of the Union speech, the little children will behave better. It's sort of like separating the two friends who sit together in class. "Now children, you mustn't let partisanship ruin the President's speech." What grade are we in?
Notice how loud and pronounced the left has gotten since Nov. last year. They have discovered that they truly are a minority and they don't like it one bit. Their response to this revelation is: "Shut up and sit down."
There is a reason we have two parties. It is because we do not all agree that Socialism is a good form of government. And the RINOs who have shown themselves to be wolves in sheep's clothing, are on notice that they will not be tolerated as well.
According to a recent Gallup poll, 78% of Republicans want the Health Care Bill repealed. According to the same poll 64% of Democrats want to let it stand. Ahem, I believe there lies a divide. Even so, 24% of Democrats want the monstrosity repealed. The margins show that a majority of Americans want the bill repealed. BUT, we must look like we support the President in his State of the Union Speech. And we must not look like we are divided. So we must hold hands and sing a cheerful little tune so the country thinks we are all so happy and together.
If image is everything, the leftists are kings of knowing how to create false images to fool people. I'm sure the Socialists in our Congress would like nothing more than to put forth the false image that we are all getting along just swell. Hiding the truth is one of their best plays.
No, we are not all on the same page with the President. No, we do not think his spending spree should be allowed to stand. No, we should not sing Kumbayah, holding hands and sitting next to those with whom we completely disagree. We should sit with like-minded people and show the leftists and the President that we do not approve of his Czars, his Socialism, his redistribution, his drilling moratorium, his federal take-over of private lands, his take-over of car manufacturers, his vision for a Statist controlled America.
Congressional Republicans need to get a spine. This business of trying to look like we are all going to play sweetie pies when the entire country is going straight down the tubes with unfunded liabilities and massive debts that will destroy our children's futures is just absurd.
United? No we are not.
Friday, January 14, 2011
I was thinking today about this debt ceiling issue. How and where to cut government spending is a topic being discussed as we approach a deadline on the debt ceiling. Pundits and politicians are throwing out there several ideas, most of which involve entitlements and defense.
First, I would take defense off the table, except for the basic methods of cutting waste. Defense is one of the few legitimate duties of the federal government, so cutting it to the bone, especially in the era of terrorism in which we live, is just dumber than dumb.
Entitlements will have to be reformed, no doubt. And if you look at the debt clock, the liabilities for entitlements will pop your eyes right out of your head.
When you assess your fiscal budget, what are the items you first choose to cut? Usually, if you are reasonable, you go after the superfluous. You are not going to cut your basic necessities. You are going to cut out the entertainment, the frills, the extravagances in which you allow yourself to indulge.
Nationally, there is a spending issue, a huge one, that no one is even remotely focused on, that being federal grants. Grants are government sanctioned subsidies for the politically favored. Grants from non-profits or directly from the government are approved and implemented by people who have an agenda. Usually that agenda has nothing to do with mainstream Americans, but mainstream Americans end up paying for it. These are unnecessary frills and extravagances in areas government has no legitimate place. What would those be? Let's try Anti-American propaganda for starters.
What you don't know is that grant money is going to organizations which are deliberately undermining America. Propaganda is a big part of the picture. Read below:
Today, over at Big Hollywood we find out that George Soros and our federal government are funneling our own money into the Sundance Film Festival to promote movies that denegrate America's conservatives and Constitution.
"Soros is also bankrolling a documentary that celebrates left-wing terrorists who plotted to napalm Republicans at the 2008 GOP convention in Minnesota. Even worse, you too are bankrolling the film through your taxes."
"HBO gave a grant to the filmmakers to produce their pro-terrorist propaganda. So did the Soros-funded Sundance Institute. After Soros’s foundation, the Open Society Institute (OSI), gave Sundance’s Documentary Film Program $4.6 million in 2002, it gave the institute another $5 million in 2009."
"Taxpayers also underwrite Sundance’s adventures in social justice indoctrination. According to nonprofit tax returns (known as IRS Form 990s), the Sundance Institute has taken in $11,240,081 in government grants since 1997. It is unclear which governments made the grants because the 990 forms lump all the grant-making governments together."
"The federal government has given $1,350,000 to the institute since 2000, according to All but $5,000 of the money was from the National Endowment for the Arts. (The $5,000 grant was from the State Department.) It’s not clear if the $1,350,000 is part of the $11 million-plus figure for all government grants."
When HBO gives grant money for the arts, that money is a tax deductible contribution coming off the bottom line for HBO.That is just the tip of the iceberg. That one instance, which involves political distortions and propaganda, does not begin to address the multitudes of grants for art shows devoted to the "green" environmentalist industry. I can't possibly devote enough research and words to the federal money going into Climate Change and the propaganda attached to it. It's so huge and convoluted that I've chosen not to drive myself mad trying to locate the millions of tentacles. Suffice it to say you can google "environmental grants" and watch 26,400,000 referenced sites come up before your very eyes.
Just one small bit of that on the basis of "environmental justice" is described below:
From Judicial Watch .com "A few months after launching a multi million-dollar campaign to help minorities get green, the Obama Administration is dedicating an additional $7 million to study how pollution, stress and social factors affect “poor and underserved communities.”
On the subject of Climate Change / Global Warming, I've said it before and I will say it again; RICO charges need to be brought against those using lies and fraud to extort money from the taxpayers. In that statement, I include those in our government who are perpetrating lies in order to solidify power against our freedoms. But I digress.
The money being spent on grants from the federal government is BORROWED money which the taxpayers are not only having to pay back the principal amount, but .40 cents on the dollar in interest. This is the larger picture. If you want to say earmarks are hardly noticeable in the big scheme of things, fine. But I am not talking about earmarks here. I am talking about government largesse directed to various voting blocs for the sake of putting the rest of us in debtors prison for the rest of our lives and the lives of our children and grandchildren. If you want to talk about national security, imagine how insecure our nation is by virtue of crushing debt to other nations.
An interesting aspect of grants is that grants are composed of money from one person paid to another person who may have a completely diametrically opposed need. For instance, locally, federal stimulus tax money is being taken from one business owner to pay a grant to another competing business owner. In this case, let's say you are successful tax paying restaurant owner, but your tax money is going to subsidize another competing restaurant owner. Why? Usually the subterfuge is on the basis of downtown development or propping up some historic district, or even possibly a "green" initiative or "social justice."
We can lower the debt ceiling really fast by getting rid of federal grants. Wealth redistribution is a tool of Socialists and Fascists. Grants are wealth redistribution.
Examples :
You paid for a National Endowment for the Humanities Conference used to teach revisionist history of American principles and events.
USA TODAY article:
Deadlines loom for stimulus' green grants
States and cities across the nation are scrambling to meet a series of deadlines to tap into economic stimulus money available for energy-saving programs.
A looming deadline: June 25, when local governments apply for a share of the $3.2 billion in block grants for energy efficiency and conservation.
"It's coming up quickly," says Cathy Polasky, Minneapolis director of economic development.
More deadlines will follow for a slew of programs, including:
• At least $500 million for green jobs training.
• $9.75 billion to renovate schools.
• $5 billion to weatherize low-income homes.
• $300 million to replace old appliances with "Energy Star" products."
Below are some cute teasers you can find to access stolen money from taxpayers to prop yourself up.
- Free Grants - Never Repay Billions Being Given Away Monthly - Apply Today
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Frankly, Obama did not have to show up in Tucson. If he had any sense of decorum regarding a tragedy of this proportion, he would have given a speech to the American people from the Oval Office. Instead we got Cirque de Soleil. A Salvadore Dali painting. A surreal event that had nothing to do with the reality of painful loss.
Back to my easel.....channeling reality.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Hat Tip: Diane Rello on the Psychology of Barack Obama
Hat Tip: Are Barack's Followers Mindless Fanatics?