“In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you
would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that
claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not
merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external
reality, was tacitly denied by their philosophy.” — George Orwell,
Nineteen Eighty-Four
Just to read my blog requires an understanding of words. Otherwise you might as well try reading an alien language from Mars, if there were one. Telling requires language. God gave Adam language from the very beginning of Adam's existence. And after all, the Bible is referred to as "The Word." God spoke to Adam, and Adam understood God's words, as did Eve. Adam was given the privilege of naming the animals and Eve spoke to Satan in the Garden of Eden. Language has been with us ever since. Anthropologists will tell you languages existed before Biblical understanding of Creation. But no matter how you look at the history of human life, communication through a common language of understanding has existed.
So flash forward to 2015 and what do we see happening to language? God gave man free will, and man is using the 'free will' tool of language to subvert common understanding. God may have stalled a rebellion by taking down the tower of Babel, but God did not alter the basic understanding of concepts. Flat is flat. Round is round. Up is up. Etc. Orwell was so right about how this abomination of language would happen.
Just to read my blog requires an understanding of words. Otherwise you might as well try reading an alien language from Mars, if there were one. Telling requires language. God gave Adam language from the very beginning of Adam's existence. And after all, the Bible is referred to as "The Word." God spoke to Adam, and Adam understood God's words, as did Eve. Adam was given the privilege of naming the animals and Eve spoke to Satan in the Garden of Eden. Language has been with us ever since. Anthropologists will tell you languages existed before Biblical understanding of Creation. But no matter how you look at the history of human life, communication through a common language of understanding has existed.
So flash forward to 2015 and what do we see happening to language? God gave man free will, and man is using the 'free will' tool of language to subvert common understanding. God may have stalled a rebellion by taking down the tower of Babel, but God did not alter the basic understanding of concepts. Flat is flat. Round is round. Up is up. Etc. Orwell was so right about how this abomination of language would happen.
One of the simplest basic precepts of human life is male and female. You can't get more basic than that. Yet, here we are, suffering through the dystopian gyrations of gender definitions only an intellectual midget would accept. (A point that would refer to the tragic dumbing down of children, but that's a story for another day.) If you can't accept the basic premise of male and female, then of course the next twist of definition has to be the definition of marriage. Going a step further, those who wish to redefine gender, also demonize those who refuse the "new" definitions. So it isn't just some innocent misunderstanding of nature, the situation involves criminalizing the understanding of nature. Again, Orwell predicted and warned of this criminalization.
Speaking of nature and criminalizing truth, the same is happening to other scientific knowledge. It used to be a common understanding of fact that photosynthesis involved CO2 as food for plants and that was not only a good thing, but a basic tenet of life on earth. Now, we have some seriously demented people telling the public that CO2 is bad for the earth. I'm not talking about photosynthesis as a "flat earth" theory. Photosynthesis is a biological fact. If you want to encourage plant growth, you encourage CO2, which is a trace gas, albeit extremely important to life. Adding more CO2 has not been proven to destroy the earth's eco system at all. Nor has CO2 been proven to increase the temperature of the earth by one iota. The earth has been warming since the Little Ice Age and all that is seen since then is thriving plant and human growth. (We may be looking at global cooling now, given the last 17 yrs of temperature data and the occurrence of sun spots, but oh well....don't look now if you want the facts.) If someone's intention were to decrease plant and human life, they might suggest some ridiculous anti-life theory such as, "We'd better get rid of that horrible CO2!" Humans exhale CO2. Do they even teach that in school any more? Is this a test to see just how successful the dumbing down of our population has been?
Language is being manipulated by people who wish to control other people. There is financial dystopia where debt becomes investment, where assets become liabilities, where property ownership is a bad thing unless it is the power elite who own the property, either for themselves or as a pretense for the "common good." Crimes of theft become understandable mistakes by people who can't get ahead. Beheadings are simply acts by people who are misunderstood by the international community and certainly don't reflect the theology espoused by those beheaders.
I could go on with many more anecdotes on how many basic facts are getting thrown into the dumpster by people who dislike truth, but you get the point. "Freedom" becomes "Freedom of Choice," but whose choices are you given? "Equal Justice" becomes "Social Justice," but whose social structure are they promoting? If you are not part of the dumbed-down, you can see right through the slogans and the lies.
Here's the hope: Lying undermines credibility, but lying cannot undermine truth. The truth doesn't just disappear because some people lie. And here is where maybe I divert from Orwell just a bit. While the world goes spiraling downward into some abysmal system of ignorance, what evil powers can't do is undo truth. They can provide ignorance, but they can't change chromosomes, or scientific facts, or the sanctity of God's perfect Creation.
I refer to Ecclesiastes on this good Sunday.....
9That which has been is that which will be, And that which has been done is that which will be done. So there is nothing new under the sun.
The Wise and the Foolish
12So I turned to consider wisdom, madness and folly; for what will the man do who will come after the king except what has already been done? 13And I saw that wisdom excels folly as light excels darkness.…
Source of Bible verses