Tuesday, November 24, 2009



The specific goal of RICO is to punish the use of an enterprise to engage in certain criminal activity. A person who uses an enterprise to engage in a pattern of racketeering activity may be convicted under the RICO criminal statute (18 U.S.C.A. § 1963). An enterprise is defined as "any individual, partnership, corporation, association, or other legal entity, and any union or group of individuals associated in fact although not a legal entity." A pattern is defined as "at least two acts of racketeering activity, one of which occurred after the effective date of [RICO's passage] and the last of which occurred within ten years … after commission of a prior act of racketeering activity." Racketeering activity includes a number of discrete criminal offenses, such as gambling, bribery, extortion, bankruptcy fraud, mail fraud, securities fraud, prostitution, narcotics trafficking, loan sharking, and murder.

While Al Gore is not the only offender who should be brought to trial on these charges, I am using him as the main protagonist of the case. Fraud and extortion are the two main offenses here that apply. Now that the "hackers" have released the emails from the scientific organizations that #1. Prove the science on Global Warming is a fraud, and #2. Show without any doubt that scientists were manipulating data to protect their own revenue streams, we can proceed with the prosecution of all of those who have perpetrated this fraud on the public. Not just the American public, but the global population as well.

I have never bought into it. I don't know that I am soooooo smart that I could see through it, but I have lived long enough to recognize a scam, especially one as transparent as this one. I am old enough to remember the "ice age" hysteria in the 1960's which never came to pass. I watched as that particular nonsense switched to "warming" instead of "cooling" just to grab some more followers. I watched as a close relative funneled whatever money he could to the Sierra Club and every other environmental organization because he was so sure that made him a better human being, it made him feel as if he was part of some great cause that was going to "save the earth." He bought into the Zero Population hysteria, too, and never had any children because of it. For a while he went into the "vegan" lifestyle because he bought into the idea that animal protein was bad for us. This relative died at 59 and was miserably grouchy through most of his time here. He was perennially mad at everyone who was successful, prosperous, and lived large. He blamed every human and would call himself a "pimple on the ass of the earth," because of the horrendously dismal articles he would read. In his world it just wasn't fair that some people were happily living their lives while he was totally convinced that the world was ending any time now. I look upon him and his life as a very sad case of indoctrination that ruined his life. Think about that while you are thinking of the indoctrination of our children going on in the past few years. How are they impacted by lies and distortions that make them think the world is doomed and it is all their fault.

But back to the RICO violations. It is a major crime to defraud the government of money. It is a major crime to extort money from the public. What would you call it when the U.S. government is being scammed by Al Gore and groups who are grabbing tax dollars for "green" jobs??? What do you call it when the text books being taught in the public schools are lying to school children to support a scam?? What do you call it when complicit media outlets on the take such as MSNBC/NBC - GE purport lies to enrich their parent corporation? By virtue of the size of the money pots going towards this "Global Warming" hoax, this is, without a doubt, the biggest fraud and extortion plot that has ever been exacted on the planet.

Alas, Eric Holder, the social justice boob who is now in charge of our legal system, is not going to go after Al Gore. No....he is too busy going after the circus trial in NY just to try to drag the CIA and the Bush Administration through the mud in public.

So I'm just engaged in wishful thinking again....wishing that some really big fish would fry for their crimes against us. If you or I created a ponzi scheme or a way to scam the public with snake oil, we'd be in chains in some federal prison for the rest of our lives. I'm wishing...."Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." Let justice win this one. And thank God for those "hackers."

P.S. As for my not buying into this scam in the first place....Somehow or another I was given the gift of "Doubting Thomas." It didn't help me out much in math classes when the formula was static and I had to figure out some simple addition, subtraction, or division problem. Instead I would sit there and ask, "Why?" I can only imagine the frustration my teachers must have felt when faced with such a belligerent student. My grades were not stellar, but my curious mind did not let me down. Asking "why" is not such a bad thing when faced with such an arrogant salesman as Al Gore. When someone is pressing you to buy what they are selling, telling you to buy it really FAST, and giving you a line of BS, you can pretty much tell there is some other agenda going on. This Global Warming / Climate Change / Cap and Trade / stuff has so many red flags that a simpleton could see it is a scam. How the public has gotten so mesmerized and indoctrinated into this is beyond the scope of reasonable belief. But there you are...it is what it is. We have our work cut out for us to deprogram a whole lot of zombie-bots and get their brains working again.
Again, thank God for those hackers!!!

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